Detailed Features
Complimentary Cinema Offers
Enjoy up to 2 "Buy 1 Get 1" complimentary movie tickets each month, any day of the week. A minimum monthly (calendar month) retail spend of AED 3,000 is required on your card to avail the benefit. If the spend criteria is not met or on exceeding the maximum complimentary tickets usage, your credit card will be billed with the discount availed. For more information on the Reel Cinemas offer,
Purchase Protection
Purchase Protection provides you with additional peace of mind every time you make a purchase. It protects you against the theft or accidental damage of purchased items, so you can focus on simply finding that perfect buy.
Extended WarrantyIt doubles the repair period offered by the original manufacturer ’s warranty for up to 1 year, protecting against the cost of repair and replacement of an item.
Emaar Discounts
Enjoy 15% discount on the below Emaar Entertainment Attractions.
Emergency Medical and Legal referral service
Emergency Medical and Legal assistance anywhere in the world, through SOS International.
Emergency Cash and Card replacement
In case of an emergency, you can get up to US$5,000 as emergency cash advance, anywhere in the world.