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AED 250000.00

  • Best in market interest rates
  • Available in multiple currencies -AED, BHD, USD, GBP & EUR
  • Flexibility of term – 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months

Transaction Charges in UAE

ATM 0.00

Non-Bank ATM 0.00

Transaction Charges Abroad


Non-Bank ATM0.00



Minimum Balance

AED 0.00

Minimum Deposit

AED 250000.00

Monthly Min Balance Fee

AED 0.00


  • Best in market interest rates
  • Available in multiple currencies -AED, BHD, USD, GBP & EUR
  • Flexibility of term – 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months
  • These deposits are available for Corporates starting from a minimum of AED 1 Million or equivalent in USD and AED 250,000 or equivalent in USD

Reward/Deposit Features

Below are the deposit rates as of 1st May 2023

AED Deposit rates per annum

For AED 3 Million deposit value, 4.67% for corporate or individual customers
For AED 6 Million deposit value, 4.81% for corporate or individual customers
For AED 12 Million deposit value, 4.80% for corporate or individual customers


AED Deposit rates per annum

For USD 3 Million deposit value, 4.83% for corporate or individual customers
For USD 6 Million deposit value, 4.89% for corporate or individual customers
For USD 12 Million deposit value, 4.80% for corporate or individual customers


Corporate: Deposit value starting at AED1Million (eqv for USD)
Individual: Deposit value starting at AED250,000 (eqv for USD)

Above rates are as of 1st May 2023. These are subject to change and customers are requested to always refer to the bank for the final rates while opening the deposits. Soulwallet provides the rates as of a specific date on a best effort basis and these should always be verified with the bank prior to opening accounts.

Popular Accounts from National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) Minimum Salary Minimum Balance Minimum Deposit
NATIONAL BANK OF BAHRAIN Time Deposit AED 0.00 AED 0.00 AED 250000.00