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AED 8000.00

  • Cheque Book
  • Debit Card
  • Internet Banking
  • Mobile Banking App
  • Free ADIB Visa Electron Debit Card

Transaction Charges in UAE

ATM 0.00

Non-Bank ATM 2.00

Transaction Charges Abroad


Non-Bank ATM20.00



Minimum Balance

AED 0.00

Minimum Deposit

AED 0.00

Monthly Min Balance Fee

AED 0.00


  • Free ADIB Visa Electron Debit Card to access your account and funds instantly at any ATM or retail outlet
  • Expected monthly profits calculated on a monthly basis and credited to your account every month
  • ADIB Mobile Banking App! Bank anytime, anywhere with the ADIB Mobile Banking App - available for all iPhone and Android devices
  • 24 Hour Banking Services, in addition to our mobile app, you will always have e-ADIB Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, and SMS Banking
  • Ghina Salary account (SPA) holder can also avail a Cheque book, (first Cheque book comes free while additional ones can be obtained by paying AED 25).