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Minimum Balance AED 3000
Minimum Balance AED 3000

Top Reasons To Choose

  • Enjoy monthly interest rates of up to 1.25% p.a.
  • Can open a RAKbooster Online Savings Account in AED or USD

The RAKbooster Account gives you more access to your money than any other account of its kind. And it gives a boost to your savings by offering up to 1.75% p.a. 


  • Individual Conventional Account holders are eligible to open a RAKbooster Account. Islamic and Business customers are not eligible to open the RAKbooster Account.

Detailed Features

The RAKbooster Account gives you more access to your money than any other account of its kind. And it gives a boost to your savings by offering up to 1.75% p.a. 
  • Increase your savings and enjoy monthly interest rates of up to 1.25% p.a.
  • Earn an additional bonus of 0.25% p.a. for preceding 3 months, if there is no debit transactions and if the previous bonus in not credited during preceding 3 consecutive months
  • Earn an additional bumper bonus of 0.25% p.a. for preceding 12 months, if there is no debit transactions and if the previous bumper bonus in not credited during preceding 12 consecutive months
  • You can open a RAKbooster Online Savings Account in AED or USD
  • Interest for your RAKbooster Savings Account is calculated daily and paid monthly.

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