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RAKBANK Fast Saver account

Fast Saver account

Top Reasons To Choose

  • Enjoy interest rates of up to 1.00% p.a.
  • No minimum Account Balance or Account Maintenance Charges
  • AED or USD Online Savings Accounts

The F@st S@ver Online Account gives you more access to your money than any other account of its kind. And it grows your savings… fast.

Detailed Features

  • Enjoy interest rates of up to 1.00% p.a. (Effective 10th Aug 2020: 0.50% p.a.) for AED and up to 0.60% p.a. (Effective 10th Aug 2020: 0.25% p.a.) for USD at your F@st S@ver savings account in UAE
  • 1 withdrawal and/or 5 Utility* / RAKBANK Credit Card payments allowed per month
  • No minimum Account Balance or Account Maintenance Charges
  • No cap on maximum account balance on which interest can be earned for AED F@st S@ver Accounts
  • AED or USD Online Savings Accounts – you decide
  • Interest for your Savings Account calculated every day, paid every month

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