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United Arab Bank Current account

United Arab Bank
Current account

Minimum Balance AED 3000
Minimum Balance AED 3000

Top Reasons To Choose

  • No minimum balance required for payroll customers
  • Complimentary international visa debit card

UAB's Current Account is the ideal bank account for individuals or companies. Providing you with exclusive flexibility by making your transactions simple and efficient.


  • Individuals above 21 years of age who are resident in the UAE, Non resident individuals cannot open a Current Account
  • A UAE company registered as a sole proprietorship, L.L.C. Free Zone establishment, general partnership, public or private shareholding, limited partnership or club, association or society.

Detailed Features

  • No minimum balance required for payroll customers on current account
  • Complimentary international visa debit card
  • Minimum average monthly balance of AED 3000 for individuals and  AED 10,000 for companies
  • Personalized cheque book facility
  • Complimentary and secure digital banking services to provide  the utmost banking convenience
  • Free monthly statements, free  international ATM card providing reward points on every salary transfer.


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