Islamic Finance & Banking

What is Islamic Finance?

Islamic finance simply put is a method of conducting financial transactions, banking, and managing money with moral principles that respect Islamic law or Sharia. Islamic finance includes activities like saving, investing, and borrowing money either for business or personal transactions that are permissible under Sharia and that comply with Islamic Laws. The concept of Islamic finance also refers to the type of investments that are permissible under Sharia.

Sharia or Islamic Law constitutes a broad set of rules that guide an individual on leading an ethical life. These rules and guidelines are derived from the Qur’an and the sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad. The word Sharia in Arabic means “the way,” thus showing an individual the ideal way to live. In the context of Islamic finance, the rules and guidelines place an emphasises on justice and partnership. Hence, you may hear Islamic financial services often described as “Islamic finance” or “Shari’ah-compliant”.

Principle of Islamic Banking

The Islamic law or Sharia recognises money only as a medium of exchange which has no value in itself. Therefore, as per Sharia law money cannot generate more money. The Islamic law prohibits the income earned through the medium of interest generated. This interest can be defined as interest generated through lending money, or interest earned by money simply sitting in an account.

Islamic finance is principally based on trading with emphasises on justice and partnership. The use of money for the purposes of making money is explicitly forbidden.

The main principles of Islamic finance are:

  • Wealth must be generated from lawful trade and asset-based investment
  • Each transaction must be related to a real underlying economic transaction.
  • Investment should have a social as well as an ethical benefit to wider society beyond pure return
  • Profit/Loss and Risks should be shared
  • All harmful activities (haram) should be avoided

Therefore, banks can make a profit from the buying and selling of Shari’ah-compliant goods and services. When a customer deposits money according to Islamic law, the bank needs to select a Shari’ah-compliant investment for the purpose of that deposit. The profits and risks that come with the investment are shared equally with the bank. The practices of Islamic banking have some clear ethical advantages over more traditional banking systems, which can be seen as unprincipled.

Things Prohibited in Islamic Finance

In order to comply with the Shari’ah, certain activities are prohibited in Islamic finance.

The following activities are strictly prohibited in Islamic finance:

Charging and receiving interest (riba):

  • A lender charging a straight interest, irrespective of how the underlying assets fare disobeys the concept of risk sharing, partnership, and justice. Thus, representing money being used to make more money. Investment in companies that conduct borrowing excessively is also prohibited.

Investments in unethical businesses (haram):

  • Investing in businesses that deal with activities like alcohol, gambling, drugs, pork, pornography, or anything else that Shariah considers unlawful or undesirable is prohibited.

Investments in transactions that involve speculation, uncertainty, or extreme risk (gharar):

  • This type of investment is considered gambling, which is prohibited (haram). For example, investing or speculating on the futures and options markets is prohibited. Mutual insurance (which relates to uncertainty) is permitted if it is related to a reasonable and unavoidable business risk.

Uncertainty about the subject matter and terms of contracts:

  • Selling something that one does not own is prohibited. Investing in special financial techniques that is available for contracting to manufacture a product for a customer is considered as investing in a product which one doesn’t own, as the product hasn’t been made yet. A manufacturer can promise to manufacture the product under certain agreed specifications at a determined price and on a fixed date and in this case, the risk taken is by a bank that would commission the manufacturer and sell the goods on to a customer at a reasonable profit for undertaking this risk. Thus, the bank is exposed to considerable risk. Avoiding contractual risk in this way means that transactions have to be explicitly defined from the outset. Hence, complex derivative instruments and conventional short sales or sales on margin are prohibited under Islamic finance.

Things Permitted in Islamic Finance

As mentioned above, the receipt of interest is not prohibited in Islamic finance. Hence, when Islamic banks provide finance, they have to find other means to earn their profits. This can be done through the profit share relating to the assets in which the finance is invested or can be via the fee that is earned by the bank for the service provided. The essential feature of Islamic law is that when commercial loans are made, the lender must have a share in the risk. If this is not so, then any amount received over the principal of the loan will be regarded as interest.

The following activities are permissible financing instruments in Islamic finance:

Profit and Loss Sharing Contracts (Mudarabah):

  • The Islamic bank pools together investors’ money and accepts a share of the profits and losses, as agreed upon with the depositors beforehand. The bank invests in a group of mutual funds screened for Sharia compliance. These investments are then filtered to determine whether any sources of income to the business are prohibited. Companies that hold a lot of debt or are engaged in forbidden lines of business are excluded. In addition to actively managed mutual funds, passive funds also exist. They are based on such indexes as the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index and the FTSE Global Islamic Index.

Declining Balance Shared Equity

  • Commonly used to finance a home purchase, declining balance shared equity calls for the bank and the investor to purchase the home jointly. The bank will then gradually transfer its equity in the house to the individual homeowner, whose payments comprise the homeowner’s equity.

Lease to Own

  • This arrangement is akin to the declining balance shared equity. The financial institution or bank puts up most of the money for the house and agrees to sell the house to the eventual homeowner at the end of a pre-decided fixed term. A portion of every payment goes toward the lease and the balance goes towards the home’s purchase price.

Instalment Sale (Murabaha)

  • An instalment sale starts with an intermediary buying the home with a free and clear title to it, which is then sold to a prospective buyer on an agreed upon sale price. This price includes some amount of profit. This purchase can be made either outright (lump sum) or through a series of deferred (instalment) payments. This credit sale should not be confused with an interest-bearing loan as it is an acceptable form of finance.

Leasing (Ijarah)

  • Leasing or Ijarah involves selling the right to use an object for a specific time. The condition followed must be that the lessor should own the leased object for the duration of the lease. A variation on the lease, ‘ijarah wa ‘iqtina, provides for a lease to be written where the lessor agrees to sell the leased object at the lease’s end at a predetermined residual value. This promise binds only the lessor and the lessee is not obligated to purchase the item.

Islamic Forwards (Salam and Istisna):

  • These are used for certain types of business and are not that common. The price for the item is paid in advance and the item is delivered at a definite point in the future. The help of an Islamic legal advisor is usually required as there is a host of conditions to be met to render such contracts valid.

Some permissible Basic Investment Vehicles are:


  • Sharia law allows investment in company shares (common stock) as long as those companies do not engage in any forbidden activities (haram). Investment in companies can be in form of shares or by direct investment (private equity).


  • Retirees who want their investments to comply with the principles of Islamic finance face a dilemma in that fixed-income investments include riba, which is forbidden. Hence, specific types of investment in real estate provide steady retirement income while not running afoul of Sharia law. These investments can be direct or securitized, such as a diversified real estate fund.

Basic Insurance Vehicles

  • As traditional insurance is not permitted as a means of risk management in Islamic law, a possible Sharia-compliant alternative is cooperative (mutual) insurance. Investors contribute to a pool of funds, which are invested in a Sharia-compliant manner. Funds are withdrawn from the pool to satisfy claims, and unclaimed profits are distributed amongst the policyholders.

Who makes the rules for Islamic Finance?

Islamic finance offers products and services that comply with Islamic law (Sharia) and often the question that comes up is of who decides what is and is not sharia-compliant? Also, what mechanisms are existing to enforce those judgments?

There are several options a bank can utilise to keep check of these rules

Sharia Supervisory Boards:

  • Generally, each Islamic finance institution has a sharia supervisory board (SSB). This board is composed of at least three jurists. These jurists although are paid by the bank, act as independent consultants and are involved in both consultative and regulatory aspects. They verify operations, answer the staff’s questions, advise on charity contributions (zakat), and certify products.
  • The Sharia Supervisory Boards decide what is allowed (halal) or forbidden (haram) based on the two main sources of Islamic law; the Quran and the Sunnah; or what Prophet Muhammad reportedly said and did during his lifetime. Board decisions are taken by a majority vote and are binding on the bank.
  • These SSB members are religious scholars who specialise in Islamic jurisprudence. It is not necessary for them to be Muslims only. In countries like the UK, there are also non-Muslims experts who have studied and specialised in this matter extensively.
  • Over the past decade, Islamic finance has rapidly expanded across the world and finding qualified people to sit on SSBs has become challenging. In the world of Islamic finance, reputation is important and sharia non-compliance can be extremely fatal to a bank.

Sharia-Compliance Consultancy: A Juicy Business

  • With the increasing popularity of Islamic finance, a number of private firms have emerged over the past few years offering sharia compliance services or consultancies. Their clients are not only Islamic banks but also conventional lenders and companies who wish to develop products or acquire certifications that will allow them to tap into the Islamic market.
  • These consulting firms employ a group of Islamic scholars who function like an externalised sharia board, providing guidance and issuing Islamic rulings (fatwas) in exchange for a fee.

International Standards and Central Banks

  • At the international level, two supervisory bodies are created for Islamic finance. They are the Bahrain-based Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) and the Malaysian Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB).
  • These bodies collaborate with institutions such as the IMF or the World Bank to promote sharia compliance globally. The AAOIFI sets basic standards for the Islamic finance industry while the IFSB issues recommendations based on risk assessment.
  • In Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, AAOIFI standards are mandatory but, in most countries, their standards and recommendations are not binding. If a bank doesn’t comply, there are no sanctions. It is up to each independent country government to enforce certain rules through their central banks who impose those rules on sharia boards.
  • In all countries except for Sudan and Iran Islamic finance exists alongside conventional banking. For Islamic banks, this means navigating a dual regulatory framework. This means the country follows the country’s laws and regulations as well as sharia compliance.

Growth of Islamic Finance

The concept of Islamic finance can be traced back to about 1,400 years ago when the concept came into existence along with the foundation of Islam. However, the establishment of formal Islamic finance related to the banking sector came into being only in the 20th century. In recent history, it can be traced to as recent as the 1970s, when Islamic banks in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were launched. The concept has since grown with Bahrain and Malaysia emerging as centres of excellence in the 1990s.

Shari’ah-compliant financing (SCF) or Islamic finance is recognised as one of the fastest-growing segments in the global financial system. Since 2009, the estimated compound annual growth rate has been 17%, proving the significance of Islamic finance in the global economy. The Islamic finance sector has had a significant expansion since, with a growth rate of at least 15%-25% per year. As of 2015, the industry’s global assets had reached up to $1.6 trillion in value. In today’s date and time, it is estimated that worldwide Islamic financial institutions oversee assets valued at over $2.5 trillion with hundreds of specialised institutions located in more than 80 countries, which are managed under the rules of Sharia.

Understanding the importance Islamic finance plays in the global economy, the popularity of Islamic finance is reaching systemic significance in a number of countries in Asia. Islamic finance has achieved at least a 15% market share in the domestic banking sector in countries like Brunei, Bangladesh, and Malaysia. The expansion of Islamic finance can also be seen in developing member countries (DMCs) within Central West Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Here Islamic finance has been expanding to new jurisdictions and maintaining momentum where it already has a strong established presence. The DMCs have begun implementing legislative and regulatory initiatives to establish themselves as Islamic financial hubs.

Islamic finance is gaining popularity not only in countries having predominantly Muslim populations but also in European and African countries. Luxembourg, Hong Kong, China, the United Kingdom, and South Africa have debuted sovereign Sukuks (Islamic trust certificates, similar to conventional bonds), with all issuances being at least twice oversubscribed, demonstrating strong demand for Islamic finance globally. According to a State of Global Islamic Economy report in 2019, the total sharia-compliant assets are expected to grow to at least $3.5 trillion by the year 2024. Islamic finance is proving to be an increasingly relevant sector as can be derived from the increasing market share of Islamic finance in the domestic banking sectors around the world.

The Bottom Line

Islamic finance is a century-old practise that is gaining recognition throughout the world. Islamic banks are by far the biggest players in the Islamic finance industry, accounting for almost $1.75 trillion or 70% of the total assets. In 2019, Islamic finance represented about 1% of global financial assets with an 11.4 % growth rate. Islamic finance is expanding quicker than conventional finance, however with COVID 19 that growth is expected to slow down but remain positive. In some geographies like the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) or Sub-Saharan Africa, Islamic banks are now competing directly with the Western banks to attract more Muslim clients and given the increasing development of Muslim nations, this field is expected to undergo even more rapid evolution. Islamic finance will continue to address these challenges of resolving Islamic investment policy and modern portfolio theory.

list of best emirates skywards credit cards in UAE

Best Skywards Credit Card in UAE

What are the best Emirates Skywards credit cards for UAE residents?

As the world’s populace fervently hopes, we are all finally putting the nightmare of Covid 19 behind us and hopefully getting back to our pre-pandemic lives. Here in the UAE life has pretty much gone back to normal and one can’t help but notice the air of optimism of all the possibilities that now lie ahead which were a distant dream for the last two years. One of the biggies of course is that travel is back on the menu again folks! Whether it is to just go back and visit our families and loved ones or to be able to travel again as tourists and visit new destinations which was, let us admit, a favorite indulgence but almost cruelly denied to us these past 2 years.

As UAE residents we are so fortunate to have access to Emirates Airlines which is easily one of the best airlines in the world and is the obvious airline of choice when considering any international travel for us. How often do we find ourselves looking for reasons to stretch our budgets a bit to justify any price differences travelling with Emirates versus other budget airlines? Deep down we know that traveling with Emirates is quite simply the best option in terms of the entire experience – right from the dedicated terminal, class leading on demand in-flight entertainment options, direct routes saving us the hassle of multiple stops and of course for the well-heeled travelers amongst us, the Emirates business class lounge experience which is second to none!

A great option for residents and citizens to enjoy the many benefits of flying with Emirates Airlines is to use an Emirates Skywards credit card which is offered by some of the leading banks in the UAE. These credit cards are offered as a partnership between Emirates Airlines and the bank and offer a multitude of benefits to customers who have these credit cards. These benefits can vary from earning Emirates Skywards miles on purchases made with the credit cards, gaining membership to exclusive Emirates Airlines membership tiers including Skywards Silver status, and in some cases, even the coveted Skywards Gold Tier membership status. These tiers bring their own significant benefits to customers and ‘earning’ them by getting a credit card is a quick and easy way to gain entry into these exclusive membership categories. But these are just a couple of examples and as you will find out these credit cards offer a wide array of benefits to suit every individual profile.

Given the popularity and demand for flying with Emirates it is no wonder that several leading banks offer co-branded Emirates Skywards credit cards as part of their credit card portfolio offerings. And as can be expected, not all of these cards offer the same level of benefits or are indeed even offered to the same profile of customers. There are no fewer than 14 different Emirates Skywards co-branded credit cards currently available in the UAE and it is no easy task to identify which of them is best suited to you. But fret not, our team here at has done the heavy lifting to help you find the best ones suited to your specific needs.

 Banks in UAE that currently offer Emirates Skywards co-branded credit cards are –

  • Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB)
  • Citibank
  • Dubai Islamic Bank
  • Emirates Islamic Bank
  • Emirate NBD

Across these 6 banks there are currently a total of 14 different Emirates Skywards credit cards offered. These are broadly categorised based on the minimum income required to be eligible for each credit card, the features and benefits offered, annual fees charged and so on.

Income Eligibility

The monthly minimum income requirement for Emirates Skywards credit cards are as below:

Credit CardMinimum Salary
Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Platinum Credit CardAED 5,000
Citi Emirates World CardAED 12,000
Emirates Islamic Skywards Signature Credit CardAED 12,000
ADIB Emirates Skywards World CardAED 15,000
Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Signature Credit CardAED 15,000
Emirates NBD Skywards Signature Credit CardAED 15,000
Citi Emirates UltimateAED 18,000
RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit CardAED 20,000
ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite CardAED 25,000
Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit CardAED 25,000
Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite Credit CardAED 25,000
Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit CardAED 30,000
Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Infinite Credit CardAED 35,000
Citi Emirates Ultima CardAED 36,750

As can be seen from the table above, there is an Emirates Skywards credit card option available for customers with income segments starting from as low as AED 5,000, which incidentally is also the minimum monthly salary required as per UAE Central bank regulations for a credit card.

Which is “The Best Emirates Skywards credit card” in the UAE?

While many readers would want to scroll directly to this section to find out the ‘winner’, the reality as is often the case, is that among the multitude of options available there is no single “Best Emirates Skywards credit card” for everyone. Different Emirates Skywards credit cards offer different benefits. In the sections below we will help you identify which one is the “the best Skywards credit card for youbased on your specific needs, spend patterns and priorities as an individual.

Best “PREMIUM” Emirates Skywards Credit cards

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card

Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit Card

Best Emirates Skywards Credit Cards to EARN SKYWARDS MILES FROM REGULAR SPENDS

Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card

Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card

Best Emirates Skywards Credit Cards for BONUS SKYWARDS MILES

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card

Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card

Best Emirates Skywards Credit Cards for BEST JOINING OFFERS

Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

Citibank Emirates Ultimate credit card

Citibank Emirates World credit card

Best Emirates Skywards Credit Cards for EMIRATES SKYWARDS MEMBERSHIP TIERS

Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card

RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit Card


ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card


Dubai Islamic Skywards Infinite Credit Card


RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card


Citibank Emirate Ultima credit card

Citibank Emirates Ultimate credit card

Citibank Emirates World credit card


RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit Card

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card & ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card

Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card

Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card


Emirates Islamic Skywards Black credit card & Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite credit card

RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit Card


Best “PREMIUM” Emirates Skywards Credit cards

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

The ADIB Emirates Skywards credit card is arguably the best premium Skywards credit card available not just for the range of benefits it offers but also being the most competitive in several key aspects. This card offers very generous Emirates Skywards miles for spends at Emirates Airlines, for international spends as well as for domestic retail spends in the UAE. In addition to the excellent Skywards miles rewards offered, this card also offers:

  • 3 Emirates Skywards miles per USD of spend at Emirates Airlines, up to 2 & 1.5 Skywards miles per USD for international and domestic spends respectively
  • Fast track to Skywards Gold tier membership for BOTH the primary as well as a supplementary card holder
  • Complimentary Emirates Skywards Silver Tier membership
  • Up to 120,000 Bonus Emirates Skywards miles (highest amongst all credit cards)
  • Complimentary Emirates home check-in services (only credit card to offer this benefit)
  • Complimentary airport transfers across UAE (up to 4 per year)
  • Complimentary valet parking benefits at Dubai & Abu Dhabi
  • Unlimited complimentary airport lounge access for each cardholder plus a guest
  • Highest category of Mastercard credit cards – ‘Mastercard World Elite’ benefits & offers

Minimum Salary requirement: AED 25,000

Annual Membership Fee: AED 4,500

All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

The Citibank Ultima credit card is an exclusive premium credit card offering from Citi which is well known to be one of the leading credit card issuers in the world. Among other benefits this card offers the card holder the unique opportunity to hold a metal credit card. The Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card offers an extremely well-rounded feature set of good Skywards miles rewards across most categories, an excellent joining offer for customers applying online, and many other significant benefits including:

  • 5 Emirates Skywards miles per USD of spend at Emirates Airlines, up to 1.5 & 1 Skywards mile(s) per USD for international and domestic spends respectively
  • Complimentary Emirates Skywards Silver Tier membership
  • AED 2,000 statement credit for online applications
  • Credit card is made of metal (only one among all Skywards credit cards)
  • Complimentary cinema offers at both VOX & Reel cinemas
  • Unlimited complimentary airport lounge access for each cardholder plus a guest
  • Highest category of Mastercard credit cards – ‘Mastercard World Elite’ benefits & offers

Minimum Salary requirement: AED 36,750

Annual Membership Fee: AED 3,000

All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card

The Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card offers premium features comparable with any other Skywards credit card offered by any bank in the UAE currently. It has the distinction of offering the highest Skywards miles earn rates across all Skywards credit cards in the UAE and also offers a host of excellent benefits including:

  • 5 Emirates Skywards mile per USD of spend at Emirates Airlines, up to 2 & 1.5 Skywards miles per USD for international and domestic spends respectively
  • Complimentary Emirates Skywards Silver Tier membership
  • Fast track to Skywards Gold tier membership for BOTH the primary as well as a supplementary card holder
  • Complimentary airport transfers across UAE (up to 4 per year)
  • Complimentary valet parking benefits at Dubai & Abu Dhabi
  • Unlimited complimentary airport lounge access for each cardholder plus a guest
  • Highest category of Visa credit cards – ‘Visa Infinite’ benefits & offers including purchase protection, travel insurance & medical cover and so on
  • 25% discount on purchase of Emirates Skywards miles
  • Option to earn 1 Skywards Tier mile for every 4 Skywards miles earned

Minimum Salary requirement: AED 25,000

Annual Membership Fee: AED 4,200

All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit Card

The RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard is a premium credit card offering from RAKBANK that offers several unique benefits to card holders including:

  • Opportunity to earn Skywards miles across all spend categories with a unique tier-based rewards system
  • Complimentary Emirates Skywards Silver Tier membership
  • Fast track to Skywards Gold tier membership by maintaining an AED 500,000 deposit in an Emirates Islamic Skywards Savings account
  • Complimentary airport transfers across UAE and in India (up to 6 per year)
  • Unlimited complimentary airport lounge access for each cardholder plus a guest
  • Complimentary cinema offers at VOX cinemas (50% off for up to 4 tickets each month)
  • 15% discount on purchase of Emirates Skywards miles
  • Option to earn 1 Skywards Tier mile for every 4 Skywards miles earned
  • Highest category of Mastercard credit cards – ‘Mastercard World Elite’ benefits & offers
  • Complimentary Discovery Black membership
  • Free petrol delivery via CAFU

Minimum Salary requirement: AED 20,000

Annual Membership Fee: AED 1,499

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:


This is perhaps the most important feature to be considered for any Emirates Skywards co-branded credit card as the main purpose for a cardholder is to maximize the Skywards miles earned during regular purchases made using their credit card.

This is also an aspect where there are significant differences in earning rates and eligibility requirements between the different Emirates Skywards credit card options available. Readers are advised to review these conditions carefully before arriving at a decision on which card is best suited to their specific spend patterns.

Please note that the best credit cards identified in this category tend to be ‘premium’ credit cards as they understandably have the best rewards as well as features and benefits that the bank can offer. As such, these credit cards are likely to have higher annual membership fees. However, the benefits offered by these credit cards most often can easily justify the annual fees charged. This is especially true if the cardholder takes advantage of the specific features and benefits on offer – another reason to ensure they apply for credit cards most suited to their specific needs.

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

The ADIB Emirates Skywards credit card is arguably the best premium Skywards credit card available not just for the range of benefits it offers but also being the most competitive in several key aspects. This card offers very generous Emirates Skywards miles for spends at Emirates Airlines, for international spends as well as for domestic retail spends in the UAE. This credit card would easily have been the only choice for earning miles but for the fact that it offers lower miles earning rates on several categories.

The ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card awards miles per USD (equivalent) spent on the credit card as below:

  • 3 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
  • 2 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
  • 5 Skyward miles for all other local purchases
  • 25 Skywards miles for these categories – supermarkets, government transactions, utilities, education, petrol stations, real estate, public transportation, Salik and charities.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card

The Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card has the distinction of offering the highest Skywards miles earn rates across all Skywards credit cards in the UAE on spends at Emirates airlines and on international spends and domestic spends offers almost as many Skywards miles as the ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card. While it appears that all categories are covered under these 3 segments, there are certain categories of spends where this credit card offers much lower earn rates.

The Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card awards miles per USD (equivalent) spent on the credit card as below:

  • 5 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
  • 2 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
  • 1.5 Skyward miles for all other local purchases
  • 15 Skywards miles for spends on these categories – supermarkets, government services, utilities, education, petrol stations, real estate, insurance, car dealership, telecommunications, and quick service restaurants

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card

The Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card is arguably the best credit card to maximise Emirates Skywards miles earnings as it offers an excellent combination of high earn rates on specific categories as well as no excluded spend categories. This is indeed a rarity as almost all other Emirates Skywards credit cards have restrictions on some segments of spend (such as groceries, utilities and so on) that have a lower earning rate.

The Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card awards miles per USD (equivalent) spent on the credit card as below:

  • 2 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
  • 5 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
  • 1 Skyward mile for all other local purchases
  • A cap of AED 25,000 on government spends per statement (which we believe is quite generous!)

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

The Citibank Ultima credit card offers an attractive combination of a high earn rate along with minimal spend category restrictions. This credit card offers an even better earning rate on purchases made at Emirates as compared to the DIB Skywards Infinite above, however, it also pays a lower earnings rate on two specific categories and awards no miles on a few categories.

Emirates Skywards miles earned per USD (equivalent) spent on the card:

  • 5 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
  • 5 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
  • 1 Skyward mile for all other local purchases
  • Spends at groceries/supermarkets and related to real estate will earn 0.5 Skywards miles per USD of spend.
  • Spends on government services, utilities, and telecommunications do not earn any Skywards miles.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card

The Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card is also a good option for earning Skywards Miles on regular purchases. However, this card has a few categories on which earning rates are much lower than the base rate.

Emirates Skywards miles earned per USD (equivalent) spent on the card:

  • 5 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
  • 5 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
  • 1 Skyward mile for all other local purchases
  • 2 Skywards miles for spends at duty free, online food delivery and car booking apps
  • 25 Skywards miles for domestic purchases relating to groceries, supermarkets, insurance, car dealership and quick service restaurants
  • 1 Skywards miles for domestic purchases relating to government services, utilities, education, petrol stations, real estate, transit and telecommunication

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:


Several credit cards award “bonus” Emirates Skywards miles based on specific criteria, such as a minimum spend levels achieved on the credit card within a specific time period. In this category, there can be varying opinions on which is the “best” option as some cards award higher total maximum bonus miles but at the same time require higher spend levels and over shorter time periods as well. The “best” option here would be determined by the individual’s specific spend patterns.

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

Cardholders will be awarded a total of 120,000 bonus Emirates Skywards miles with this credit card which is the maximum offered by any Emirates Skywards credit card in the UAE. 50,000 welcome bonus miles are offered on payment of the membership fee, and another 70,000 Skywards miles are awarded if a total spend of AED 140,000 is met within the first 6 months of card issuance.

This credit card was chosen the winner as it has the best combination of the total bonus miles awarded and the overall minimum spend requirement over a period of 6 months. In addition, there are no specific spend category restrictions.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card

The Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite credit card offers the next best Skywards bonus miles after the ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card. Cardholders can earn up to 100,000 bonus Emirates Skywards miles:

  • 35,000 “Welcome Joining Miles” on payment of the joining fee
  • 40,000 additional “spend based miles” if cumulative retail spend of USD 25,000 is achieved within 3 months
  • “Annual miles”: 25,000 miles will be credited if USD 7,500 is spent at Emirates (online or at sales offices) within the first 12 months

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card

This credit card offers cardholders 75,000 bonus Skywards miles but requires a balance transfer of at least AED 50,000 to earn 25,000 of the total miles. Earn up to 75,000 bonus Emirates Skywards miles:

  • 25,000 miles on card activation
  • 25,000 miles if spend of USD 20,000 is achieved in the first 4 statements
  • 25,000 on balance transfer (minimum balance transfer of AED 50,000)

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:


While it is usually not advisable to apply for a credit only to take advantage of a specific joining offer by the bank, it is worthwhile considering the joining offers in addition to all other benefits and features offered by the credit card.

Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

Customers that apply online can get AED 2,000 back as a statement credit if a minimum retail spend of AED 25,000 is made within 90 days of the credit card being approved.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

 Citibank Emirates Ultimate credit card

Customers that apply online on Citibank UAE can get AED 800 as a statement credit if a minimum retail spend of AED 20,000 is made within 90 days of the credit card being approved.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Citibank Emirates World credit card

Customers that apply online on Citibank UAE can get AED 400 as a statement credit if a minimum retail spend of AED 10,000 is made within 90 days of the credit card being approved.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:


As most readers are probably aware the Emirates Skywards Miles programme offers different “Tiers” of membership – Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each of these tiers offer different benefits to members, with the type and number of benefits increasing in that order – starting with Blue and ending with Platinum which offers the maximum benefits.

An important feature offered by some Emirates Skywards co-branded credit cards is automatic membership for the cardholder into a higher tier of the Emirates Skywards programme simply by virtue of having the credit card. This saves cardholders from having to ‘earn’ the minimum tie” miles required to be eligible for the specific tier level, obtained normally through purchase of tickets on Emirates airlines.

In this aspect as well, there are a few differences in the options available among the various Emirates Skywards credit cards. Most of these credit cards offer direct membership to the Silver Tier for the primary cardholder. A few credit cards also provide supplementary card holders the opportunity to enjoy Silver status, subject to a few conditions being met. However, only 3 credit cards offer cardholders the option to upgrade to the Gold Tier Skywards membership. This can be considered to be a significant perk of having the card by people who value the Gold membership tier in the Emirates Skywards program.

Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card

The Emirates Islamic Skywards Black Credit Card offers card holders the opportunity to fast track to Emirates Skywards Gold tier membership by simply spending AED 5,500 at Emirates Airlines within 12 months from the card issuance date. This credit card also offers one supplementary card holder the option to get Gold tier membership status by spending AED 5,500 at Emirates Airlines and payment of an annual membership fee of AED 4,000. This is the quickest option to gain Emirates Skywards Gold tier membership amongst all Skywards credit cards offered in the UAE.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:


ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card & ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card

Both Emirates Skywards credit cards offered by Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) offer cardholders Skywards Silver Tier membership as a basic feature of the card. However, in addition they both also offer cardholders the option to upgrade their Silver Skywards membership tier to the Gold tier if specific spend based criteria are met. Additionally, both these cards also offer the supplementary cardholder with the opportunity to upgrade to Gold tier status.

  • With the ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card cardholders can get Skywards Gold Tier membership by simply spending AED 5,500 at Emirates airlines within 12 months. For the supplementary card holder, a spend of AED 200,000 (+ AED 5,500 at Emirates Airlines) within the first 12 months is required to get fast tracked to Emirates Skywards Gold Tier membership status.
  • For the ADIB Emirates Skywards World credit card the primary cardholder can get Gold tier membership with a total spend of AED 150,000 and spend of AED 5,500 on Emirates within 12 months
  • For the supplementary cardholder: total spend of AED 300,000 and spend of AED 5,500 on Emirates within 12 months

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit Card

The RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard offers cardholders Silver tier membership as a default offering. Additionally, it also offers the opportunity to fast-track to Skywards Gold tier membership based on the below criteria being met:

  • Minimum spend of AED 5,500 at Emirates
  • On maintenance of an average quarterly balance of AED 500,000 in the customer’s RAKBANK savings account

This credit card also offers supplementary cardholders the option to enroll in the Skywards Silver Tier membership at a fee of AED 900 per year.

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

The below Emirates Skywards credit cards all offer the primary cardholder complimentary Skywards Silver Tier membership as a benefit:

  • Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card
  • Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Infinite credit card
  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite credit card
  • Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite credit card

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:


Credit card associations refer to organizations that set common transaction terms for merchants, issuing banks and acquiring banks. The associations we are referring to in our context here are Visa and Mastercard. All the Emirates Skywards credit cards issued in the UAE are either associated with Visa or Mastercard.

The relevance of this for a cardholder is that there are specific benefits and features offered by these associations to the cardholder by virtue of the partnership between the bank and the association. Similar to the different tier levels available in the Emirates Skywards miles programme, both Visa and Mastercard offer different “tiers” or levels of benefits for different credit card types.

Please note that these association features are offered in partnership with the banks and are for the most part a standard offering for the specific credit card type across all banks. Examples of these include VIP airport lounge access, travel insurance cover, car rental offers and so on. Please note that the type of benefits offered vary significantly between Visa and Mastercard.

These (Visa/Mastercard) features must not be confused with specific features offered by banks directly to their cardholders which are not part of the Visa or Mastercard benefits. Examples of such bank-specific features include complimentary valet parking, cinema tickets, airport transfer offers and so on.

Customers are advised to review closely all the features offered for each credit card to understand all the benefits available before arriving at the best credit suited to them.

Below is a categorization of the available Emirates Skywards options based on their Visa or Mastercard credit card association type:


  1. Mastercard World Elite:

This is the top-of-the-line tier of credit card benefits offered by Mastercard and are available in the following credit cards:

  • ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card
  • Citibank Emirates Ultimate credit card
  • RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard credit card
  1. Mastercard World:

This is the second highest tier of credit card benefits offered by Mastercard and are available in the following credit cards:

  • ADIB Emirates Skywards World credit card
  • Citibank Emirates World credit card

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:


  1. Visa Infinite:

This is the top-of-the-line tier of credit card benefits offered by Visa and are available in the following credit cards:

  • Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card
  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Black credit card
  • Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Infinite credit card
  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite credit card
  • Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite credit card
  1. Visa Signature:

This is the second highest tier of credit card benefits offered by Visa and are available in the following credit cards:

  • Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Signature credit card
  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Signature credit card
  • Emirates NBD Skywards Signature credit card

 Visa Platinum:

This is the third highest tier of credit card benefits offered by Visa and are available in the following credit cards:

  • Dubai Islamic Emirates Platinum credit card

 All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Unique benefits available through various Emirates Skywards credit cards:

Complimentary Airport Transfers

  • RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card
    • Enjoy chauffeured airport pick-up or drop off service complimentary 6 times each year in the UAE or avail of this service a maximum of 3 times in India (Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Delhi – within city limits).
  • ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card & ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card
    • 4 complimentary per year anywhere in the UAE. Value of rides capped at AED 150 in Dubai and Sharjah and AED 350 in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and other Emirates
  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Black credit card
    • Take advantage of up to 4 complimentary airport transfers per calendar year to or from Dubai airport. 
  • Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card
    • Up to 4 complimentary airport transfers per calendar year in UAE. Only transfers within city limits, i.e. no intra-city transfers. 

Cinema Discounts & Offers

  • Citibank Emirate Ultima credit card, Citibank Emirates Ultimate credit card & Citibank Emirates World credit card
    • Enjoy up to 4 “Buy-1-Get-1” complimentary movie tickets with VOX Cinemas each month on any day of the week.
    • Up to 2 “Buy-1-Get-1” complimentary movie tickets plus 20% off food & beverage with REEL cinemas each month on any day of the week.
    • (Please note both the above benefits are available only for bookings made on the Primary credit card)
  • RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card
    • 50% off at VOX cinemas at all times, up to 4 times each month
  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite credit card, Emirates Islamic Skywards Signature credit card
    • Enjoy up to 3 “Buy-1-Get-1” complimentary movie tickets at REEL Cinemas each month on any day of the week.
    • (Please note both the above benefits require a minimum spend of AED 3,000 per month)

Complimentary Emirates home check-in:

  • ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card – 4 times per year for passengers traveling from Dubai.
  • ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card – 2 times per year for passengers traveling from Dubai.

Health & Fitness Benefits:

  • Dubai Islamic Skywards Infinite Credit Card
    • complimentary access to the Emirates Towers health club (and swimming pool) at any time, any day of the week.

Discounts on Emirates Skywards Miles

  • RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card
    • 15% discount on buying Skywards miles for self or as a gift (minimum purchase of 2,000 miles required)

Earn Emirates Skywards Tier Miles

  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Black credit card, Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite credit card & Emirates Islamic Skywards Signature credit card
    • Earn 1 Skywards Tier Mile for every 4 Emirates Skywards
  • RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card
    • 15% discount on buying Skywards miles for self or as a gift (minimum purchase of 2,000 miles required)

We hope this article has been useful in giving you a better understanding of the various Emirates Skywards miles credit card options available in the UAE. While we have highlighted the best options for specific benefits offered by these credit cards we highly recommend that you review all the features in detail before deciding which is the best credit card for you. After all, the process of identifying the best option and applying for a credit card is not something undertaken regularly and therefore getting it right will not only help you maximise potential saves but will also help you enjoy the unique benefits most relevant to your individual preferences.

Detailed features and benefits along with side-by-side comparisons of all these credit cards and more can be found at

UAE specific investment options

UAE specific investment options

Investing your savings provides financial security to present and future for you and your family.. It helps you grow your wealth, generate inflation-beating returns, and helps create regular income. Investing some amount from your savings allows you to put your money in vehicles that have the potential to earn back strong rates of return and help you save for retirement.

The laws and transactions in the UAE are straightforward and encouraged by a business-friendly, well regulated financial environment. As one of the world’s fastest and freest economies, UAE has a global minded business culture with a stable and investor friendly global market.  The ever-growing economy of the UAE offers a multitude of choices when it comes to investing.

Investment in the UAE is growing at an incredible rate with an expanding range of asset classes to choose from. Amongst the multitude of choices, investors are welcomed to invest in stock exchange trading, bonds, real estate purchase, private pension schemes, funds, gold, and deposit accounts. Along with Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, and Sharjah are also attractive fonts for investments.

Benefits of investing in UAE

Having a global mindset and a liberal business environment, UAE is an excellent place to invest to grow your finances. The tax-free zones and various investment opportunities provide a dynamic financial sphere for investors to make the most of their money.

  1. Economic stability and conducive business environment
  2. Strategic location
  3. Strong financial reserves and large sovereign wealth funds along with sustained government spending.
  4. Freedom from tax
  5. Growing tourism, thus growing economy
  6. UAE ranks among the leading countries in the world in 100 global development indicators
  7. Investors don’t need a residency visa to invest
  8. UAE is a major player in the international trade networks
  9. UAE allows 100% foreign ownership
  10. Buying properties worth more than AED 500,000 means you become eligible for a residency visa as well

The world-class capabilities, services, legal frameworks, government aid, infrastructure, and resources available help international investors, entrepreneurs, professional talents, and start-ups to invest in the UAE market making it a very promising market, which has shown steady growth and development for several years in a row.

Investing in UAE

Whether you’re a an Emirati, or an expat residing in the UAE, the journey to invest and gain financial independence inevitably starts by learning how to invest money in the UAE. With the availability of multiple vehicles for investments and options, it can get challenging and confusing. You can invest your money as a lump sum or as a Regular savings plan/Systematic Investment Plan (SIP).

In lumpsum investments, you can optimize your savings to grow wealth or create a passive income. In regular monthly investments, you can accumulate capital and grow wealth for important long-term financial goals, for example for retirement.

Some of the most popular investments tools in the UAE are:

  1. Stocks
  2. Bonds
  3. Mutual funds
  4. ETFs
  5. REITs
  6. Real estate
  7. Bank deposits
  8. Pension plans
  9. Cryptocurrency
  10. Gold

Investing plan

In order to avoid the errors, an investor can make while investing it is essential to have an investing plan. The plan helps the investor in avoiding mistakes or following and trusting different sources blindly.

Some of the errors an investor can make are:

  1. Stock investing in individual companies instead of diversified portfolios
  2. Investing based on other’s advice without conducting research
  3. Following the trends blindly even if it doesn’t match your goals
  4. Being locked into insurance or saving plans for a long time.
  5. An over-focus on real estate instead of stock market assets

Therefore, before starting your investments, you need to create an easily actionable investment plan to guide you in your wealth-making decisions.

  • The first step is to understand your current situation and create an outline for your existing assets to understand where you stand currently.
  • Create a list of all the debt you owe. For example, mortgage, business loans, credit cards, car, or property loans, etc.
  • Next, create a clear investment goal for yourself and answer the question of why you want to invest. It could be for financial independence, growing your wealth, retirement, or capital for your business ideas.
  • Once the investment goals are defined, they are converted into clear objectives.
  • These objectives will further help you in deciding what type of investment you would like to carry out and what options are available for the best possible outcome.
  • Once you have an objective it also becomes easier to create a budget and decide how much you want to invest.
  • Financial planners often recommend the budgeting practice of following the 50:30:20 rule. In this plan, you allocate to spend 50% of your income on essentials, 30% on discretionary spending, and save/invest the remaining 20%.
  • Doing so helps to build the habit of spending less than you earn and you will enjoy the benefit of compounding.
  • Financial planners also advise on starting an emergency fund before investing.
  • An emergency fund is money set aside to cater for unplanned and unexpected expenses resulting from job loss, medical crisis, natural disasters, unexpected repairs, etc.

Factors to consider when investing in the UAE

Before investing an investor would need to consider various factors that would come into play for investing in the UAE market. It is advisable to seek clarity and financial help to invest smarter and to make the most out of your investments in accordance with your goals and objectives. Some of the factors to consider are:

  • The investment opportunities available to a foreigner or resident expat
  • The stability of the regulations around foreign investment in the UAE
  • The levels of protection available to foreign investors in the UAE
  • The incentives provided for foreign investment in various sectors
  • The aid and encouragement available from the UAE government
  • The exchange rates of home currency and the currency of UAE
  • The incentives provided by banks and financial institutions

Soulwallet provides services that would help customers make the most of a wide range of personal finance solutions, from credit card cards, to personal loans, Islamic credit cards, mortgage loans, bank accounts and a lot more.

Types of investments

The UAE is one of the world’s easiest places to invest or conduct business in. With government encouragement, economic expansions, and a diverse private sector, investors can invest in different types of investments. Residents as well as expats and non-residents can start trading on the UAE Stock Exchange with minimal paperwork. Getting a business license to set up a local business to trade locally or internationally is also a relatively quick and easy process with many of them offering 100% foreign ownership. The real estate market is ever growing and in demand thus providing benefits to many foreign investors who reap the profits. Private pension schemes, mutual funds, gold, and other asset classes are also popular investing options there.

Some of the types of investments an investor can make are:

  1. Property investment in the UAEReal Estate is a growing and in demand sector in the UAE with more and more expats investing in property in places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi for more than two decades. With the help of government incentives, straightforward paperwork, and tighter regulations limiting property speculation, real estate is creating a stable as well as an affordable market for investing.
  1. Business investments in the UAE
    UAE government is welcoming expats and non-resident foreigners to set up a business in the UAE. With incentives like 100% ownership (i.e., no local partner is required) in a free zone, where incentives such as no taxes, no restrictions on business, employment, or a trade offer an exciting opportunity for investors. Expats can also set up an onshore company.
  1. Investing in stocks and shares in the UAE
    Investing in the United Arab Emirates stock market is quite easy and straightforward. An investor would need to open a trading account with a broker registered with one of the exchanges in Dubai or Abu Dhabi and an Investor Number to trade. Dubai has two stock exchanges: Dubai Financial Market and NASDAQ Dubai. NASDAQ lists both domestic and international companies. It offers trading in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and equity derivatives (futures and options).
  1. Investing in Mutual funds
    Mutual funds are one of the best investment options that can be considered by investors who wish to invest a smaller amount. They offer a good long term investment option with reduced exposure to risks. Mutual funds also offer a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) where an investor can invest a certain amount monthly for a short period of time. financial institutions like ADCB, CBD, Mashreq, Citibank, HSBC, Standard Chartered offer mutual funds.
  1. Deposit accounts and e-saver accounts investments in UAE
    These accounts designed specifically for banks to provide higher returns to the customers. Deposit accounts range from fixed deposits of 1-24 months with higher interest rates. E-saver accounts are offered by banks such as Emirates NBD, HSBC, Mashreq. Saving accounts are offered by ADCB.

What is an Investment Bank?

An investment bank is a financial intermediary that provides and performs a variety of services for its customers. Some of the services provided by an investment bank are underwriting and providing financial advisory, brokerage services for their clients and acting as an intermediary between the investing public and securities issuers.

Some of the most popular and revered names in the UAE are:

  1. Emirates Investment Bank
  2. Noor Capital
  3. HSBC Financial Services
  4. Rasmala
  5. SHUAA Capital
  6. Allied Investment Partners
  7. Citibank UAE
  8. Commercial Bank of Dubai

Investment Guide for Expats in Dubai

Along with residents and locals, a large number of expats and non-residents are investing in the UAE, more specifically in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. With a vast number of tools available for investors to invest in, there are a lot of risks to consider before investing. Expats would need to consider a few points in mind before investing in a foreign market.

  1. The currency risk: There is a currency risk involved while investing and investors should keep a check on their home country currency as well and invest accordingly in USD or AED to avoid loss or decline in profits.
  2. ETF: Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) is one of the most popular options that is considered by expats to invest in. ETFs are listed on the stock exchange and can be very cost effective for traders as they do not expose the trader directly to underlying assets.
  3. Offshore investment: Places like Dubai have a number of financial institutions that provide services for offshore investment planning. For an expat, this is an attractive opportunity as holding a portfolio of investments outside their home country can help mitigate their risk. The financial planners will advise you on how to diversify your portfolio in a healthy and safe manner with stocks, bonds, individual trusts, mutual funds, unit trusts, etc.

The economy and the financial world of the UAE have evolved significantly over a few decades. With attractive incentives and government aid, the market in the UAE is growing more and more desirable. Residents, as well as expats, are using the markets to maximize their wealth to live a financially healthy life. Rather than keeping and saving the money only in the bank, people are choosing to understand the market and make their dormant money earn more money for themselves.

UAE is an oasis of the economic, financial, and political market on a global scale. The government’s ambitious development goals for the country offer a degree of certainty for investors and markets to keep investing in the UAE markets. With proven growth and handsome returns, many expats and non-residents are getting more and more confident and comfortable about investing in the UAE.

Soulwallet offers, well-researched, unbiased content along with unique tools that helps you make well informed financial decisions.

The editorial team at Soulwallet is committed to accurate and relevant content intended to assist our readers while making personal finance decisions. We are glad to get feedback on the article and make necessary corrections if required. You can email the editorial team at  Our editorial advice, recommendations and product assessments are not influenced by business partners

Comprehensive Guide to Personal Loan Interest Rates in 2021

A Comprehensive Guide to Personal Loan Interest Rates in 2021

A personal loan is a loan that may be secured or unsecured and is offered with minimal documentation. You can use the funds from this loan for any financial need. Like any other loan, you must repay it as per the agreed terms with the bank in easy EMI (equated monthly installments).

Personal loans in UAE today are the preferred means of short-term credit. The bank offers personal loans based on two types of interest rates – flat rates and reducing rates. A flat rate of interest on a loan refers to when the interest and sum payable is calculated at the start of the repayment schedule and do not change until the loan has been paid off. Whereas in terms of reducing rate of interest on a loan the principal amount reduces after each installment. The interest percentage (which remains constant) is charged on the reduced amount, every month. Thus resulting in different installment amounts each month.

Types Of Personal Loans

Personal loan with salary transfer: This is most probably the first loan one can avail from the bank where the customer holds a salary account. These loans are low in interest rates compared to the other personal loans without a salary transfer. Banks offer competitive interest rates for their customers for such loans and generally require a minimum salary requirement of AED 5000 (which differs from bank to bank). If you wish to take the loan from another bank where you don’t have any account then you have to maintain an account with the bank and transfer the salary into it every month.

Personal loan without salary transfer: This is one of the popular loans that allow the loan seeker to apply for a personal loan without having to transfer their salary into a particular bank account. Interest rates are higher for such loans and the lending amount might be lower than a Salary Transfer loan.

Expat loans: Expatriates are those people who live in the UAE but aren’t residents of the UAE. To help them manage their financial needs easily, banks offer personal loans to ex-pats as well with attractive interest rates and repayment tenure up to 48 months.

Buyout loans: When you take a personal loan that can be used to pay all of your previously existing loans or a credit card debt it is known as a buyout loan. In this type of loan, the borrower has to pay a fixed monthly payment to the bank for a pre-defined period that is usually two years to five years to pay off your buyout loan. Both UAE nationals and ex-pats can apply for such loans.

Consolidation loan: Debt consolidation services allow for the consolidation of all your outstanding liabilities arising from various loans or outstanding dues on credit cards into one single consolidated liability. Such loans are advantageous because you are being able to manage all outstanding liabilities together in one consolidated form.

Consider the comparison table below on interest rates offered by banks in the UAE

Bank NameLoan NameFixed Interest RateReducing Interest RateMinimum SalaryMaximum Loan Amount
Abu Dhabi Commercial BankPersonal Finance3.25%5.90%AED 10,000AED 0
Abu Dhabi Commercial BankPersonal Loan6.25%11.33%AED 10,000AED 250,000
Abu Dhabi Commercial BankPersonal Loan For Expatriates6.25%11.33%AED 10,000AED 25,000
Abu Dhabi Islamic BankDebt Settlement3.58%6.50%AED 8,000AED 1,000,000
Abu Dhabi Islamic BankEducation Finance3.85%6.99%AED 8,000AED 250,000
Abu Dhabi Islamic BankPersonal Finance3.72%6.75%AED 8,000AED 1,000,000
Al Hilal BankPersonal Finance3.25%5.90%AED 10,000AED 0
Arab BankPersonal Loan3.30%5.99%AED 5,000AED 550,000
CitibankPersonal Installment Loan7.71%14.00%AED 8,000AED 175,000
CitibankSalary Transfer Loan3.85%8.00%AED 8,000AED 250,000
Commercial Bank Of DubaiPersonal Loan3.03%5.50%AED 8,000AED 750,000
Deem FinancePersonal Loan11.01%19.99%AED 5,000AED 0
Dubai Islamic BankLiabilities Settlement Finance0%0%AED 5,000AED 0
Dubai Islamic BankPersonal Finance6.06%11.00%AED 5,000AED 2,000,000
Emirates IslamicPersonal Finance2..17%3.94%AED 5,000AED 1,000,000
Emirates NBDEnd-Of-Service Benefit Backed Personal Loan3.30%5.99%AED 5,000AED 0
Emirates NBDLoans For Nris2.20%3.99%AED 5,000AED 0
Emirates NBDSalary Transfer Loan2.63%5.99%AED 5,000AED 1,000,000
Emirates NBDSalary Transfer Loan For UAE Nationals2.63%5.99%AED 5,000AED 3,000,000
Emirates NBDLoans For New To Country, New To Employment2.63%5.99%AED 10,000AED 400,000
Emirates NBDPersonal Cash Loan4.96%8.99%AED 10,000AED 500,000
Emirates NBDUAE National Personal Loan With Additional Income3.18%5.24%AED 10,000AED 3,000,000
Emirates NBDPersonal Loans For Self-Employed Professionals10.40%18.90%AED 20,000AED 300,000
Emirates NBDPersonal Loans For Self-Employed Individuals10.40%18.90%AED 25,000AED 0
First Abu Dhabi BankBuyout Loans4.08%7.40%AED 5,000AED 5,000,000
First Abu Dhabi BankLandlord Loans5.10%9.25%AED 5,000AED 2,000,000
First Abu Dhabi BankIslamic Personal Finance2.64%4.99%AED 7,000AED 5,000,000
First Abu Dhabi BankPersonal Loans For UAE Expats4.99%3.99%AED 7,000AED 5,000,000
HSBCPersonal Loans4.13%7.49%AED 7,500AED 750,000
MashreqDebt Consolidation Loans0.00%0.00%AED 5,000AED 0
MashreqPersonal Loan For Expatriates6.25%11.50%AED 5,000AED 1,000,000
MashreqNew To UAE, New To Employer Loan4.07%7.38%AED 7,000AED 150,000
MashreqNon Salary Transfer Personal Loan For Expatriates14.10%25.60%AED 7,000AED 150,000
MashreqEmirati Personal Loans For Pensioners0.00%0.00%AED 10,000AED 0
MashreqPersonal Loans For Emiratis0.00%0.00%AED 10,000AED 3,000,000
NbfPersonal Loans3.25%6.25%AED 5,000AED 0
RakbankNon Salary Transfer Loan5.99%10.86%AED 5,000AED 1,250,000
RakbankBusiness Finance12.00%21.00%AED 50,000AED 3,000,000
Sharjah Islamic BankPersonal Finance0.00%0.00%AED 5,000AED 0
Standard CharteredSaadiq Personal Finance4.16%7.55%AED 15,000AED 1,000,000
Standard CharteredDebt Consolidation Plan Loan3.89%7.05%AED 30,000AED 1,000,000
Standard CharteredPersonal Loan3.89%7.05%AED 30,000AED 1,000,000
Union National BankExpatriates Loan3.13%5.68%AED 5,000AED 500,000
Union National BankEducation Loan4.96%9.00%AED 10,000AED 0
Union National BankNon Salary Transfer Loan7.72%14.00%AED 10,000AED 0
Union National BankRent Loan4.96%9.00%AED 10,000AED 0
Union National BankUAE Nationals Loan2.48%4.50%AED 10,000AED 500,000
United Arab BankPersonal Loan For Expatriates3.03%5.49%AED 7,500AED 2,000,000
United Arab BankPersonal Loans For UAE Nationals3.03%5.49%AED 7,500AED 2,500,000

The above interest rates are purely indicative. Interest rate is generally based on factors such as

  • Bureau Score
  • Income
  • Loan Amount
  • Employer

The Biggest Advantages of Using an EMI Calculator Before Applying For Your Personal Loans in UAE

Before finalizing any personal loan, you should always use the EMI calculator because it will assist you to evaluate, simulate and arrive at the maximum loan amount, interest rate and affordable easy monthly instalments will help you select the best suited personal loan as per your budget. Soulwallet personal loan EMI calculator is easy to use, simple to understand, and is quick to perform. All you need is to use the slider to adjust the loan amount, interest rate (reducing), and tenure. You will get the EMI, total repayment, total interest, and interest rate (flat) as per your input.



Emirates Skywards Credit Cards

All you need to know about Emirates Skywards Credit Cards!

The Emirates Skywards miles programme is one of the best, premium airmiles programmes offered by any airline in the world. It gives members the opportunity to redeem their Emirates Skywards miles against flight ticket purchases and ticket upgrades on Emirates airlines in addition to other options such as hotels and travel bookings.

Skywards miles programme members can earn miles by purchasing tickets on Emirates airlines, however, another popular option to earn miles used by thousands of UAE residents is by using an Emirates Skywards co-branded credit card. These credit cards are issued as part of a joint arrangement between Emirates Airlines and the banks issuing the credit cards.

In the UAE there are several such co-branded airline credit cards offered by many banks. While the main objective to apply for an miles credit card is primarily to earn rewards in the form of “miles” and use those miles for flight tickets and upgrades there are other unique benefits offered by these cards which also vary significantly from one credit card to another. The focus of this article are Emirates Skywards co-branded credit cards and to help readers understand which of the many options available are best suited to them.

Banks in UAE that currently offer Emirates Skywards co-branded credit cards are –

  • Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB)
  • Citibank
  • Dubai Islamic Bank
  • Emirates Islamic Bank
  • Emirate NBD

Across these 6 banks there are currently a total of 14 different Emirates Skywards credit cards offered. These are broadly categorised based on the minimum income required to be eligible for each credit card, the features and benefits offered, annual fees charged and so on.

Income Eligibility

The monthly minimum income requirement for Emirates Skywards credit cards are as below:

Credit CardMin. Salary
Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Platinum Credit CardAED 5,000
Citibank Emirates WorldAED 12,000
Emirates Islamic Skywards Signature Credit Card AED 12,000
ADIB Emirates Skywards World CardAED 15,000
Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Signature Credit CardAED 15,000
Emirates NBD Skywards Signature Credit CardAED 15,000
Citibank Emirates UltimateAED 18,000
ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Card AED 25,000
RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit CardAED 25,000
Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite Credit Card AED 25,000
Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit CardAED 30,000
Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Infinite Credit Card AED 35,000
Citibank Emirates Ultima AED 36,750


Which is “The Best Emirates Skywards credit card” in the UAE?

While many readers would want to scroll directly to this section to find out the ‘best’, the reality, as is often the case, is that among the many options available there is no single “Best Emirates Skywards credit card” for everyone. Different Skywards credit cards offer different benefits. In the sections below we will help you identify which one is the “the best Skywards credit card for you” based on your specific needs, spend patterns and priorities as an individual.

Please note that the best credit cards identified tend to be ‘premium’ credit cards as they understandably have the highest rewards as well as features and benefits that the bank can offer. As such, these Skywards cards are likely to have higher annual membership fees. However, the benefits offered by these credit cards most often can easily justify the annual fees charged. This is especially true if the cardholder takes advantage of the specific features and benefits on offer – another reason to ensure they apply for credit cards most suited to their specific needs. However, there are also a few Emirates Skywards credit cards which have very low annual fees while still offering good benefits which can also be considered.EARNING SKYWARDS MILES FROM EVEN REGULAR ‘EVERY DAY’ SPENDS

Best for – Maximum Miles Earning Potential

This is perhaps the most important feature to be considered for any Emirates Skywards co-branded credit card as the main purpose for a cardholder is to maximize Skywards miles earned by using their credit cards.

This is also an aspect where there are significant differences in earning rates and eligibility requirements between the different Skywards credit card options available. Readers are advised to review the conditions carefully before arriving at a decision on which card is best suited to their specific spend patterns.

It is important to note that the cards in this category typically do not offer high earn rates on some regular, day-to-day categories such as groceries, utilities, fuel, school fees etc. but instead offer very high earn rates on almost all other types of spends - think electronics, clothes, luxury, travel, dining and most other categories. Depending on the individual’s spend patterns these cards are potentially the best options to earn the absolute maximum Skywards miles from your credit card spends.

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

Emirates Islamic Bank Skywards Black Credit Card

Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

The ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card is an excellent option to maximise your Skywards miles earnings as it offers 3 Skywards miles per USD spent at Emirates Airline as well as offering 2 Skywards miles/USD for foreign currency spends and 1.5 Skyward miles/USD for domestic purchases.

The Emirates Islamic Bank Skywards Black Credit Card offers 3.5 Skywards miles for every 1 USD spent at Emirates airlines. This is the highest offered by any credit card in the UAE currently.

The Citibank Ultima credit card offers an extremely attractive combination of a high miles earn rate along with very minimal spend category restrictions. This credit card offers an even better earning rate on purchases made at Emirates as compared to the DIB Skywards Infinite credit card (which is also a great option). So, if you are a big spender at Emirates then this is the card to get to maximise your Skywards rewards. Compared to the Dubai Islamic bank Skywards Infinite card, it pays a lower earnings rate on two specific categories.
Earn rates are lower for specific everyday categories such as groceries, utilities, government spends, fuel, school fees, Salik etc. but for almost every other type of spend category this is an excellent option. In addition to the high Skyward miles earn rates, this card also has other very compelling features including complimentary Emirates Airlines home check-ins, Skyward Gold tier membership and so on.
In addition to this, it also offers 2 Skyward miles per USD equivalent of foreign currency spends and 1.5 Skyward miles per USD of domestic spends. This is again the highest offered by any Skywards credit card in the UAE (along with the ADIB World Elite Skywards credit card which also offers the same).

While this card has lower earn rates for some specific every day categories (grocery, fuel, utilities etc.) for all other purchases this is indeed a really powerful option to maximise your Skywards miles earnings.
Emirates Skywards miles earned per USD (equivalent) spent on the card:
2.5 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
1.5 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
1 Skyward mile for all other local purchases
Spends at groceries/supermarkets and related to real estate will earn 0.5 Skywards miles per USD of spend and government services and utilities spends earn no miles

Best for – Earning Skyward Miles From Even Regular “Everyday” spends

These credit cards have the most ‘coverage’ of spend categories, that is they hardly exclude any category of spends from earning miles. Hence these cards have the advantage of ensuring that you earn Skywards miles no matter whether you’re buying groceries or paying for your child’s school fees.

Depending on your individual spend patterns, these cards could potentially save you the most of all the Skywards credit card options available. To see your specific individual savings on each please use the Savings Calculator on
Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card

RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card

Dubai Islamic Bank Emirates Skywards Signature Credit Card

DIB Skywards signature
The Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card is arguably the best credit card to maximise Emirates Skywards miles earnings as it offers an excellent combination of high earn rates on specific categories as well as no excluded spend categories.

This is indeed a rarity as almost all other Emirates Skywards credit cards have restrictions on some segments of spend (such as groceries, utilities and so on) which have a lower earning rate.
The RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card is also a great option to earn rewards on regular everyday spends. This card has a different way of awarding points – a fixed number of points are awarded for specific spend ranges.

As the number of Skywards miles are fixed for a specific spend range the actual earn rate can vary depending on how much you have specifically spent within that range. But rest assured, it is very competitive with other options available and again with the key benefit of not excluding several regular day to day spend categories (groceries, fuel, telecom, utilities etc.).

This card does, however, have a maximum cap of 40,000 Skyward miles per month.
The Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Signature Credit Card is a great option just like it’s bigger “brother” the DIB Skywards Infinite credit card.

While it offers a slightly lower earn rate it also has a lower annual fee (AED 1,500 vs. AED 2,500) and also has the added benefit of having a lower minimum salary requirement (AED 15,000 vs. AED 35,000 for the Infinite).

It also offers an excellent combination of high earn rates on specific categories as well as no excluded spend categories.
The Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card awards miles per USD (equivalent) spent on the credit card as below:

2 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
1.5 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
1 Skyward mile for all other local purchases

A cap of AED 25,000 on government spends per statement (which we believe is quite generous!)
Spend based Tiers:

- 600 miles for 2000-4999
- 2000 miles for 5000-9,999
- 5000 miles for 10,000-19999
- 8000 miles for 20000-29999
- 11000 miles for 30000-39999
- 16000 miles for 40000-49999
- 20000 miles for 50000-74999
- 30000 miles for 75000-99999
- 40000 miles for > 100,000
The Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card awards miles per USD (equivalent) spent on the credit card as below:

1.5 Skywards miles for purchases made at Emirates online or at Emirates sales offices
1 Skyward miles for purchases made in foreign currencies
0.75 Skyward mile for all other local purchases

A cap of AED 25,000 on government spends per statement (which we believe is quite generous!)

Best for – “Bonus” Skywards Miles:

Several credit cards award “bonus” Emirates Skywards miles based on specific criteria, such as a minimum spend levels achieved on the credit card within a specific time period. In this category, there can be varying opinions on which is the “best” option as some cards award higher total maximum bonus miles but at the same time require higher spend levels and over shorter time periods as well. The “best” option here would be determined by the individual’s specific spend patterns.
ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card & ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card

Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite Credit Card

Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card & ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit

Cardholders can get up to 120,000 bonus Emirates Skywards miles with this card.
50,000 welcome bonus Emirates Skywards miles are awarded plus an additional 70,000 bonus miles if a minimum retail spend of AED 140,000 is achieved within 6 months of card issuance.
The Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite credit card offers cardholders the opportunity to earn up to 100,000 bonus Emirates Skywards miles:Emirates Skywards Dubai Islamic Bank Infinite Credit Card
offers cardholders the opportunity to earn up to 75,000 Emirates Skywards Miles
This credit card has a good combination of the total bonus miles awarded and the overall minimum spend requirement over a period of 6 months. In addition, there are no specific spend category restrictions.
35,000 “Welcome Joining Miles” on payment of the joining fee
40,000 additional “spend based miles” if cumulative retail spend of USD 20,000 is achieved within 3 months
"Annual miles”: 25,000 miles will be credited if USD 7,500 is spent at Emirates (online or at sales offices) within the first 12 months
25,000 miles on card activation
25,000 miles if spend of USD
20,000 is achieved in the first 4 statements
25,000 on balance transfer (minimum balance transfer of AED 50,000)

Best for – Joining offers:

While it is usually not advisable to apply for a credit only to take advantage of a specific joining offer by the bank, it is worthwhile considering the joining offers in addition to all other benefits and features offered by these credit cards.
Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card
Citibank Emirates Ultimate credit card

Citibank Emirates World credit card
Customers who apply online can get AED 2,000 back as a statement credit if a minimum retail spend of AED 25,000 is made within 90 days of the credit card being approved. Pls do verify on Citibank website before proceeding as this offer might change.

Customers can avail AED 1000 worth gift cards on booking. This offer is exclusive to customers who apply on
Customers that apply online on Citibank UAE can get AED 800 as a statement credit if a minimum retail spend of AED 20,000 is made within 90 days of the credit card being approved.Pls do verify on Citibank website before proceeding as this offer might change.

Customers can avail AED 1000 worth gift cards on booking. This offer is exclusive to customers who apply on
Customers that apply online on Customers that apply online on Citibank UAE can get AED 400 as a statement credit if a minimum retail spend of AED 10,000 is made within 90 days of the credit card being approved.Pls do verify on Citibank website before proceeding as this offer might change.

Customers can avail AED 500 worth gift cards on booking. This offer is exclusive to customers who apply on

Best for –Emirates Skywards Tier Membership

As most readers are probably aware the Emirates Skywards Miles programme offers different “Tiers” of membership – Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each of these tiers offer different benefits to members, with the type and number of benefits increasing in that order – starting with Blue and ending with Platinum which offers the maximum benefits.

An important feature offered by some Emirates Skywards co-branded credit cards is automatic membership for the cardholder into a higher tier of the Emirates Skywards programme simply by virtue of having the credit card. This saves cardholders from having to meet the minimum “tier” miles required to be eligible for the specific tier level, obtained normally through purchase of tickets on Emirates airlines.

In this aspect as well, there are a few differences in the options available among the various Emirates Skywards credit cards. Many cards offer direct membership to the Silver Tier for the primary cardholder. A few credit cards also provide supplementary card holders the opportunity to enjoy Silver status, subject to a few conditions being met. However, only 3 credit cards offer cardholders the option to upgrade to the Gold Tier Skywards membership. This can be considered to be a significant perk of having the card by people who value the Gold membership tier in the Emirates Skywards program (which offers, among other benefits, 16kgs of excess baggage allowance, guaranteed seats even on fully booked flights and so on).
ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card & ADIB Emirates Skywards World Credit Card

RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard Credit Card
Emirates Islamic Bank Skywards Black Credit Card

This card offers cardholders Skywards Silver Tier membership as a basic feature of the card. However, in addition it also offers cardholders the option to upgrade their Silver Skywards membership tier to the Gold tier if they spend AED 5,500 at Emirates Airlines within 12 months of getting the card.

What’s more this card also offers the supplementary cardholder with the opportunity to upgrade to Gold tier status if a total spend of AED 200,000 is achieved in 12 months and 5,500 of that is spent at Emirates Airlines.

The RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard offers cardholders Silver tier membership as a default offering. Additionally, it also offers the opportunity to fast-track to Skywards Gold tier membership based on the below criteria being met:

Placing a deposit of AED 500,000 in the customer’s RAKBANK Emirates Skywards savings account. This credit card also offers supplementary cardholders the option to enroll in the Skywards Silver Tier membership at a fee of AED 900 per year.
This card offers customers Silver membership as a default tier for maintain the card. However, similar to the ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card the Emirates Islamic Bank Skywards Black credit card offers customers the opportunity to upgrade to the Skywards Gold tier status by simply spending AED 5,500 at Emirates on their credit card (no additional spend criteria required).

This card also provides the option for the supplementary to be upgraded to the Skywards Gold tier membership by spending AED 5,500 at Emirates and by paying an annual membership fee of AED 4,000.

Best for – Association Benefits

Credit card associations refer to organizations that set common transaction terms for merchants, issuing banks and acquiring banks. The associations we are referring to in our context here are Visa and Mastercard. All the Emirates Skywards credit cards issued in the UAE are either associated with Visa or Mastercard.

The relevance of this for a cardholder is that there are specific benefits and features offered by these associations to the cardholder by virtue of the partnership between the bank and the association. Similar to the different tier levels available in the Emirates Skywards miles programme, both Visa and Mastercard offer different “tiers” or levels of benefits for different credit card types.

Please note that these association features are offered in partnership with the banks and are for the most part a standard offering for the specific credit card type across all banks. Examples of these include VIP airport lounge access, travel insurance cover, car rental offers and so on. Please note that the type of benefits offered vary significantly between Visa and Mastercard.

These (Visa/Mastercard) features must not be confused with specific features offered by banks directly to their cardholders which are not part of the Visa or Mastercard benefits. Examples of such bank-specific features include complimentary valet parking, cinema tickets, airport transfer offers and so on.

Customers are advised to review closely all the features offered for each credit card to understand all the benefits available before arriving at the best credit suited to them.

Below is a categorization of the available Emirates Skywards options based on their Visa or Mastercard credit card association type:

1. Mastercard World Elite:
This is the top-of-the-line tier of credit card benefits offered by Mastercard and are available in the following credit cards:

ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite credit card
Citibank Emirates Ultimate credit card
RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Mastercard credit card

2. Mastercard World:

This is the second highest tier of credit card benefits offered by Mastercard and are available in the following credit cards:

ADIB Emirates Skywards World credit card
Citibank Emirates World credit card

1. Visa Infinite:
This is the top-of-the-line tier of credit card benefits offered by Visa and are available in the following credit cards:
Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card

Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Infinite credit card
Emirates Islamic Bank Emirates Skyward Black credit card
Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite credit card
Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite credit card

2. Visa Signature:

This is the second highest tier of credit card benefits offered by Visa and are available in the following credit cards:

Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Signature credit card
Emirates Islamic Skywards Signature credit card
Emirates NBD Skywards Signature credit card

3. Visa Platinum:

This is the third highest tier of credit card benefits offered by Visa and are available in the following credit cards:
Dubai Islamic Emirates Platinum credit card

All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

Best for – Low-Fee, High Value Offered

Citi Emirates Ultimate Credit Card

While most of the above credit cards are premium credit cards and have reasonably high annual fees, the Citi Emirates Ultimate credit card offers excellent benefits for a very reasonable annual fee of only AED 800. Not only is this among the lowest fees on an Emirates Skywards credit card, this card also offers customers to earn the annual fee back as a statement credit if retail spend of AED 20,000 is made within 90 days of getting the card.

This card also has a very healthy Skyward miles earning rate of 1.25 Skyward miles per USD for all international spends and 1 Skyward mile per USD of domestic spends. Other benefits include free VIP airport lounge access for the cardholder plus a guest at over 1,000 lounges worldwide and golf and movie offers in the UAE.

Unique benefits offered by some Emirates Skywards credit cards:

  • Complimentary Emirates Airlines home check-in 4 times a year – ADIB Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card.
  • Complimentary access to Emirates Towers Health Club at any time, any day – Dubai Islamic Skywards Infinite Credit Card.
  • 15% discount on buying Emirates Skywards Miles – RAKBANK Emirates Skywards World Elite Credit Card.

The below Emirates Skywards credit cards all offer the primary cardholder complimentary Skywards Silver Tier membership as a benefit:

  •  Citibank Emirates Ultima credit card
  • Dubai Islamic Emirates Skywards Infinite credit card
  • Emirates Islamic Skywards Infinite credit card
  • Emirates NBD Skywards Infinite credit card
  • ADIB Emirates Skywards World credit card

All relevant features of this credit card, along with side-by-side comparisons can be seen at:

We hope this article has been useful in giving you a better understanding of the various Emirates Skywards miles credit card options available in the UAE. While we have highlighted the best options for specific benefits offered by these credit cards we highly recommend that you review all the features in detail before deciding which is the best credit card for you. After all, the process of identifying the best option and applying for a credit card is not something undertaken on a regular basis and therefore getting it right will not only help one maximise potential saves but will also help enjoy specific benefits most relevant to your individual preferences.

Detailed features and benefits along with side-by-side comparisons of all these credit cards can be found at

Online Credit Card-Related Fraud – What to watch out for?

One of the best things about the Internet today is that you can purchase literally anything from the comfort of your own home. Whether you are browsing Souq or your favorite online clothing retailer based in the UAE, your next item can be at your door with just one click of the button.

That being said, there are some downsides to online shopping. One of the most notable is online credit card-related fraud. There are plenty of bad actors out there who are looking to steal your credit card number. With your credit card in hand, they can do a significant amount of damage before they are caught.

Yes, popular credit cards do offer some fraud protection. However, you cannot rest on your laurels, as there is no guarantee that your credit card company will reimburse you. Because of this, we want to take this time to share some key things to look out for related to online credit card fraud. Whether you think that you may a victim or you are simply trying to be proactive, these tips can keep some of your hard-earned cash in your pocket.

Things to Monitor to Avoid Credit Card Fraud

One of the first and most effective ways to prevent credit card fraud is to familiarize yourself with popular credit card scams. While it’s impossible to know every online credit card scam out there, understanding what some of the most popular look like can help you avoid them. While it is a never-ending task, it is a great habit to build in your personal finance life.

You can find some of these popular credit card scams by clicking here. For example, there is a scam where criminals call your phone and pretend they are from your credit card company’s fraud department. They ask you to verify some personal information—including the security code on the back of your credit card. Another scam involves credit card skimming, where fraudsters will steal your credit card number through a skimming device and use it to make later purchases. And you cannot forget about common phishing scams, where scammers impersonate your bank and try to have you click on a malicious link and enter your login information. These are just some scams that you’ll need to evade in your day-to-day shopping life.

From being knowledgeable about credit card scams, you’ll next want to be cautious when actually using your credit card online. Many Internet retailers have done a great job making their websites more secure. Nonetheless, you should only enter your credit card information on a website that is legitimate. Some scammers create websites that appear to be real, but were set up solely to steal credit card information. Be especially careful when making purchases on websites that do not have an “https://” in the address bar or a lock in the lower right corner of your browser.

Next, be careful when shopping on websites that are too good to be true. This is another common-sense rule in the world of personal finance. While there are plenty of great deals on the Internet today, you should be wary of those that seem truly unique or out of this world. It may be that a scammer or bad actor is simply trying to entice you to provide your credit card information without sending you your purchase.

Finally, make sure to monitor your accounts. For as much as we may want to monitor all of our purchases, we may fall short. Life gets in the way. A seemingly benign purchase on a new website may lead to stolen credit card information. Yet even though we may not be able to monitor every threat, we can view our statements every month. By getting into a monthly habit of reviewing your credit card purchases, you can quickly discover (and correct) any fraudulent activity.

Stay Vigilant

 For as many benefits that Internet shopping brings to our lives, we must protect ourselves from the downsides. Credit card fraud certainly exists in the UAE and throughout the world. Whether you are a holder of several popular credit cards or just obtained a new credit card, we urge you to stay vigilant. By doing so, you will save yourself from tremendous headaches down the road.

Soulwallet is a personal finance comparison portal in the UAE. With a team of “out of the box” thinkers and a deep understanding of the UAE consumer banking industry, we help customers make the best choices while shopping for financial products such as credit cards and loans.

balance transfer

Five Reasons to Consider Doing a Balance Transfer on Your Credit Card

The sudden rise of COVID-19 has presented varying degrees of economic stress among UAE residents. Institutions like the UAE Central Bank and some of the UAE’s biggest banks have acted swiftly to relieve some of this unexpected, yet very real financial pressure. Yet even with that assistance, this is a great time for all UAE residents to take a hard look at their current finances.

There are several ways that you can proceed, but we believe that one of the first things you should do is closely look at the balances on your credit cards. For many of us, our credit card balances are some of our highest payments per month. While we may be able to pay off our monthly credit card balances during “normal times, COVID-19 this increased time of uncertainty may make those payments much more difficult.

If you are feeling this type of financial pressure, you may want to seriously consider something called a balance transfer. Balance transfers, put simply, let you move high-interest debt onto another credit card that has a lower interest rate. By doing this, you can keep some of your hard-earned money in your pocket.

To better understand the power of balance transfers, we want to highlight five reasons why you should consider them. Whether one or all of the reasons resonate with you, we believe balance transfers can be compelling options in this era of COVID-19.

Five Reasons to Consider Balance Transfers

The first reason to go forward with a balance transfer centers on your current credit card interest payments. Simply put, balance transfers can temporarily eliminate a high annual percentage rate on your current credit card, allowing more of your payment to go toward your principal. If you are in deep credit card debt, this is a huge deal. A significantly lower (or even zero) interest rate means that you are getting significantly closer towards a zero balance. Therefore, even if there is a small fee to complete a balance transfer, a lower APR may be worth it.

Directly tied with lower interest payments is the ability to save cash in the long run. It’s pretty simple. Allocating more of your monthly payment to your debt outstanding rather than interest is going to keep more cash in your pocket. It is a substantial step on your way toward financial freedom. A balance transfer can offer that unique opportunity, letting you have a few key months where you can make your outstanding principal more manageable.

Balance transfers can also be a great idea because they may be able to raise your credit score. The effect isn’t direct, but there are some ways that your credit score can be improved with a balance transfer. Most notably, it can reduce your credit utilization ratio. This is assuming that you don’t close your old credit card account. Along with paying off your principal, you may see a bump in your overall credit score.

Fourth, a balance transfer can help you build good habits and instill discipline. One primary reason why borrowers seek balance transfers is to obtain some breathing room from overbearing interest payments and debt. Balance transfers can provide this, but they also provide great opportunities to get into great financial habits. For instance, paying down your balance every month and spending less than you make are terrific habits to build.

Finally, credit card balance transfers can make you happier. They can provide both short-term and long-term financial relief. By capitalizing on this relief and getting a better hold over your finances, you’ll feel happier and less stressed. This is a real benefit—especially as we are living through COVID-19.

A Compelling Option

These are just some of the benefits of credit card balance transfers. Granted, you will want to read the fine print and find a balance transfer that makes the most sense for you. Some balance transfer arrangements have a low (or zero) APR, but ramp up significantly after several months or if you miss one payment.

Even so, balance transfers can be a valuable tool in personal finance. Whether or not you choose to use this tool, we encourage you to do your research. You may find that a balance transfer is just the thing you need to get your financial freedom.

Soulwallet is a personal finance comparison portal in the UAE. With a team of “out of the box” thinkers and a deep understanding of the UAE consumer banking industry, we help customers make the best choices while shopping for financial products such as credit cards and loans.

All You Need to Know About Islamic Finance

Whether you are searching for a personal loan or financing for a home or vehicle, you can take advantage of many financing opportunities in the UAE. Having said that, we want to use this post to discuss one type of financing category. That category is Islamic loans.

While Islamic finance only constitutes 1% of global financial assets, it is a rapidly growing area of finance—particularly in the UAE. Specifically, Islamic loans in the UAE are a fantastic way to accomplish some of your financial goals. Also called Sharia loans, these loans, as you can guess, comply with Sharia law. While they work slightly differently than “traditional” loans, Islamic loans can be a great option to finance major purchases in your life.

Sharia Loans: Some Basics

Islamic loans are unlike other types of loans for several reasons. However, the main differentiating factor is that they must comply with practices and prohibitions under Sharia law. One of the most notable restrictions for Sharia loans centers on paying or charging interest. Sharia law says that interest is usurious, meaning that it is strictly prohibited. To put it another way, with Sharia loans, there are no fixed or floating interest rates or fees.

There are many other restrictions on traditional financial instruments under Sharia law. For example, an investor or borrower under Sharia law cannot invest in businesses involved in prohibited activities, speculate or gamble, or purchase derivative contracts or engage in short selling. In the personal finance context, however, this prohibition on interest is the most striking difference with Western finance.

That said, lenders underwriting Islamic loans in the UAE still need to make money. So how do they do it? Ultimately, it comes down to Islamic banks buying a desired product or commodity on the borrower’s behalf. After doing this, Islamic banks can lease the underlying product to the borrower. They can also re-sell that product on installment at a fixed price. This price, however, is often higher than the traditional market value.

Islamic loans in the UAE offer these types of arrangements. Even though Islamic banks aren’t necessarily charging interest, they are being compensated for the initial risk of purchasing the underlying product or commodity.

The Best Islamic Loans in the UAE

 With this basic understanding in hand, you may be curious about how you can obtain Islamic loans in the UAE. The good news is that there are plenty of opportunities to capitalize on the best Islamic loans in our country.

For instance, there are some great FAB Islamic loans. First Abu Dhabi Bank is one of the most renowned financial institutions in our country. It not only provides capital and services to large corporations, but to individual borrowers like you. These FAB Islamic loans are specifically tailored Sharia-compliant solutions that can help you purchase everything from a home to a car. If you intend to purchase a new home, you can obtain up to AED 20 million in financing and can leverage flexible payment periods (up to 25 years). If you’re in the market for a new car, you can get financing of up to AED 1.5 million and up to 80% of the car’s value. There are eligibility requirements for all of these FAB Islamic loans, so you’ll want to read the fine print before proceeding.

FAB Islamic loans are just one example of some of the best Islamic loans available in the UAE. That said, you will probably want to start looking for opportunities with your current bank. See if they offer Sharia loans for your intended purchase and feel free to reach out to your bank as necessary. In all likelihood, you will find an Islamic loan in the UAE that best suits your financial circumstances and your intended purchase.

Finding the Best Sharia Loans in the UAE

Sharia loans can be a great way to finance a large purchase in your life. Even if you can pay for your purchase in hand, Islamic loans can relieve financial pressures in your life. Therefore, we encourage you to complete your due diligence. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your banker. Doing this, we’re confident that you will be satisfied with your next Sharia loan.

Soulwallet is a personal finance comparison portal in the UAE. With a team of “out of the box” thinkers and a deep understanding of the UAE consumer banking industry, we help customers make the best choices while shopping for financial products such as credit cards and loans.

How to Cope With Your Personal Finances and Debt Amidst COVID-19

COVID-19 has been one of the most disruptive public health and economic stories in recent memory. The UAE has 42294 total confirmed cases (source as of 15th June 2020) and there will undoubtedly be more. Moreover, shelter-in-place orders and nightly curfews throughout major cities across the world (including in the UAE) have caused massive ripple effects throughout the global economy.

Even though the UAE has a relatively low case count compared to other nations throughout the world, it isn’t immune to the economic stress. In fact, you may be experiencing some of these financial pressures right now. It can be scary—especially because it’s unclear when normal life will return.

Having said this, there are reasons to be optimistic. While the situation is constantly changing, we wanted to share several personal finance suggestions and resources that you can leverage in these uncertain times. These resources will help you obtain some financial relief (and even unlock exciting financial opportunities) as we continue to battle COVID-19.

Take Stock of Your Current Finances

Generally speaking, one of the first things that you should do amidst this economic uncertainty is to take stock of your current finances. Take a look at your cash in hand (if any) and note any upcoming bills or payments, whether it is your rent or mortgage, credit card bills, or something else. If there is a significant chance that you cannot meet any (or all) of these upcoming liabilities, you’ll want to take action now.

We will shortly describe some of these opportunities provided by the UAE government and financial institutions. Putting that aside, you may want to contact your credit card companies and lenders if you feel like you cannot pay your bills on time. While there are no hard and fast rules here, your lenders may be able to defer some of your payments if you explain your current financial situation.

Whether or not you are facing imminent financial pressures, you will want to adopt more stringent spending habits. Think long and hard about your discretionary purchases. While you may have been eyeing that new car or purse for some time, it’s probably better to be conservative here. It’s unclear when the economic pain from COVID-19 will end, so cash is king. Cash gives you optionality and will eliminate some stress if this crisis lasts longer than expected.

On a more optimistic note, COVID-19 can be a great investment opportunity if you have savings or significant discretionary income. Asset prices have fallen in the UAE and throughout the world. Because of this, you may want to think about purchasing index funds or other equities. As we’ll describe below, the government is also offering incentives for first-time homeowners. You will clearly want to do your own due diligence, but the bottom line is that this may be a great time to enter the markets. However, if you foresee any near-term financial pressures, you will likely want to stay liquid and keep cash on hand rather than make any long-term investments.

The bottom line? As with all personal finance advice, you need to closely monitor your income and spending habits. Stay conservative and make sure that you’re not spending more than you are making. And if you foresee any potential issues paying your current or upcoming bills? We encourage you to speak with your lenders and take advantage of the financial relief described below.

Financial Relief and New Incentives

Because of the sudden disruption that COVID-19 has caused, the UAE government has ordered banks and other financial institutions to provide relief to individuals and families. These are some compelling opportunities, so we encourage you to pay close attention.

For instance, if you have a mortgage, car loan, or personal loan, you can apply for a one month repayment holiday with no extra fees. Borrowers who have been financially affected by the COVID-19 outbreak may also be able to obtain loan repayment deferrals for up to three months and interest-free installment plans of up to six months on things like grocery purchases, utility bill payments, and school fee payments.

To take advantage of these payment plans and deferrals, you’ll want to follow up with your bank. UAE banks (like First Abu Dhabi Bank and Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank) have moved quickly to support their retail and SME customers. If you bank with a non-UAE financial institution, you will also want to read the fine print to understand all of the incentives that may be at your disposal. As just one example, if you bank with Standard Chartered, you will receive refunds for foreign currency translation fees on canceled travel bookings. Along with this, cash advance fees on credit cards are cut in half. Again, make sure you complete your due diligence so that you can take advantage of your bank’s available incentives.

Getting some more time to pay your upcoming bills can go a long way in providing financial relief. But along with this, you may be thinking that this is a good time to make some investments. First-time home buyers, for example, can obtain a reduced down payment of up to 5% on their home purchases. You can also obtain interest-free installment plans for school tuition. This includes the waiver of service of charges or a 0% interest loan until 30 June 2020. Ultimately, the UAE government has moved swiftly to relieve financial pressure on residents and to spur continued investment in the country. Therefore, don’t hesitate to take advantage of these opportunities (the sooner, the better).

Finally, if you are a small business owner in the UAE, there are additional financial opportunities available to you. For example, you can reduce their interest charges on new borrowings based on new prevailing interest rates for eligible customers. Along with this, you can reduce bank charges by half on the early settlement of existing borrowing for eligible customers until 30 June 2020. For some more financial relief opportunities available for small businesses, feel free to click here.

Riding Out the Storm

Unfortunately, we are likely nowhere close to the end of COVID-19. A potential vaccine is still far away and there is likely more economic pain ahead. We are truly living in uncertain times, so you must be proactive to minimize financial damage from this global pandemic.

The good news, however, is that there are plenty of resources to help you ride out this economic storm. The government has been proactive in helping you defer some of your upcoming payments. Also, there are new incentives to make a long-term investment in the UAE. Ultimately, we encourage you to take advantage of as many of these opportunities as necessary.

Soulwallet is a personal finance comparison portal in the UAE. With a team of “out of the box” thinkers and a deep understanding of the UAE consumer banking industry, we help customers make the best choices while shopping for financial products such as credit cards and loans.