Why You Should Use Comparison Websites Before Signing Up for a Credit Card?

Why You Should Use Comparison Websites Before Signing Up for a Credit Card?

Whether you have great credit or are working hard to improve your credit score, you undoubtedly receive plenty of credit card information or application forms in the UAE. The potential offers and rewards are often extremely compelling, whether it is extra points for eating at your favorite restaurant or travel deals that are only available to certain cardholders. Credit cards also have many different terms, and these terms can become all too real if you are behind on a payment.

Therefore, when analyzing which credit cards in UAE to pursue, it is helpful to compare all of the offers that are available to you. This is much easier said than done. However, You may find yourself placing pieces of paper side-to-side or simply choosing a credit card that your friend or sibling likes.

Luckily, there is a better way. We believe that comparison websites are a true game-changer when signing up for a credit card. These websites make it extremely easy to compare different types of credit cards, thereby making it more obvious to you when making your final decision. Everyone from the first-time credit card holder to more experienced borrowers can find immense value from credit card comparison websites.

Below, you will find several key reasons why these websites are so important in today’s financial environment.

A Clean User Interface

As referenced above, credit card comparison websites make it easier and enjoyable to compare different credit card offers. Many websites, in fact, let you place credit cards side-to-side. They make it seamless for you to compare cards’ interest rates, annual fees, join fees, and more. This side-by-side layout is more effective than you may think, as it quickly gets to the crux of why certain cards are better for you than others. Instead of spending hours sifting through the paperwork and comparing the fine print, you can get a great first glance through credit card comparison websites.

Opening Your Eyes to New Opportunities

Credit card comparison websites aren’t just for comparing credit cards that you are considering. Arguably just as valuable (or even more valuable) is the fact that you can use them to discover new credit cards. For instance, if your most important factor is a low interest rate, you may use a credit card comparison tool to find a low-interest card that you haven’t even considered yet. This is just one simple example, but the discovery nature of credit card comparison websites makes them attractive to credit card applicants.

Helping You Maximize Your Points

In the example above, we explained how credit card comparison websites can help you find low interest card cards, thereby saving you cash if you end up making a late payment. But the flip side to this, however, is that credit card comparison websites can help you maximize potential incentives. If you enjoy traveling, for instance, you can find a new credit card that caters to travelers. Moreover, the website will help you understand how you can maximize your points so that you can rack up free flights or vacations. To put it another way, these websites are your trusted guide to get the most value out of a potential credit card.

A Godsend if You Have Bad Credit

Finally, credit card comparison websites can be especially helpful if you have bad credit and are looking for a new credit card. Repairing or strengthening a credit score is always time-intensive. That said, this shouldn’t mean that you can’t find a great credit card now. Credit card comparison websites can help you with this task. They can highlight some of the most attractive options for you—considering your financial situation.

Your Secret Weapon

These are just several key reasons why credit card comparison websites are so powerful. They are simple and easy-to-use, yet extremely powerful. They can help you stumble upon key insights about your spending goals and budget. They can even be a massive assistance in helping you more quickly save up for your dream vacation.

Whatever the case may be, we encourage you to check out these websites. Spend some time reviewing both the websites themselves and the credit cards that they let you compare. In sum, we  believe that credit card comparison websites can be your secret weapon as you work toward achieving all of your financial goals.

Soulwallet is a personal finance comparison portal in the UAE. With a team of “out of the box” thinkers and a deep understanding of the UAE consumer banking industry, we help customers make the best choices while shopping for financial products such as credit cards and personal loans in UAE.

credit score

Maintaining a Good Credit History: Some Helpful Tips and Strategies

Whether you are seeking personal loans to pay off outstanding debt or simply want to obtain some new credit cards, one of the first things that lenders will do is check your credit history. Your credit score, as calculated by the AECB (Al Etihad Credit Bureau), is essentially a profile of your financial health. It is something that lenders in the UAE closely scrutinize before deciding to extend you credit.

Because of this, it is extremely important to maintain a good credit history. Doing so will make it much easier to get access to some of the best credit cards in the UAE today. Having a poor credit history, however, will make it much harder to accomplish your financial goals.

In this post, we want to share several important tips and strategies on how you can maintain a good credit history. Following some (or all) of these tips, you’ll drastically increase your chances of avoiding any unpleasant surprises and increase the chances of getting the loan or credit card that you desire.

Ways to Maintain Your Credit History

To start, one of the best ways to maintain your credit history is to pay your bills on time. It’s simple enough. If you are a borrower that doesn’t skip or delay payments, banks and other financial institutions will view you as more creditworthy. They will have the confidence that you will make your required payments for your  loans and credit cards, thereby extending you more credit than others. On the opposite side, making late payments not only costs you in interest or other penalties, but it hurts your credit score. From there, a lower credit score hurts your chances of qualifying for some of the best credit cards or future personal loans.

Along with paying your bills on time, seriously consider paying off your credit cards in full. This is a great tactic both for the health of your pocketbook and the health of your credit history. Paying off your balance in full helps you avoid interest payments, which can become substantial if you are solely paying the minimum required payment on your credit card. But not only that, paying off your entire balance, once again, shows financial institutions and the AECB that you are a responsible borrower. Your credit score will rise and you’ll be more likely to receive even more generous credit terms in the future.

So one significant part of maintaining your credit history is to be on top of your payments. But that said, another key area centers on credit utilization. By this, we mean responsibly using the credit that has been provided to you. Just because your credit card has a credit limit of Dh100,000, for instance, does not mean that you should draw upon all of that credit. Instead, the general rule of thumb is that you should use only 30 percent of that credit limit. While it isn’t the worst thing in the world if you go above that guideline, you should tread lightly. It may put you at greater risk of being unable to pay off your credit card in full.

Finally, don’t apply for loans that you don’t need. If you already have great credit, it is all too tempting to apply for a wide range of  loans. You may use those  loans to get a more luxurious car or to splurge on something for your home. Whatever item or experience that you want, it is much safer to fund it through your day-to-day savings and cash flow rather than a loan. Yes, it may take longer to find the funds to make the purchase. However, foregoing a loan that you don’t actually need minimizes the potential hit to your credit score. To put it another way, it is an investment in your long-term financial future.

Get Started Today

Obtaining and maintaining a good credit history is an ongoing task. That said, it is certainly doable. Following the tips and strategies above can help you fortify that credit history, allowing you to obtain the best credit cards and personal loans in the future. By staying disciplined and on top of your pending payments, you will be setting yourself up for continued financial success.

Smart Money Moves for a Financially Healthy 2020

Planning to set your financial goals right at the beginning of the year is a great way to start in 2020.

Review your financial position, check where your money goes, review your debt, cut down on extra expenses and plan efficiently. This will help you stay on savings course and prevents you from getting into any money hurdles.

Here are a few ways to help you do that:

1: Revisit your mortgage loans.

Home loans are one of the biggest financial responsibilities that require regular revisits. Look for better options to save your money or get other benefits when there is a change in your financial situations, bank’s loan terms or interest rates.

Check if refinancing can help you save money. Compare your loan interest rates with the current rates because even half of a percentage point drop will give you substantial savings.

Lower interest rates help in reducing your mortgage term because here you can raise your monthly payments and prepare to clear the loan early. For example, paying off the loan in 10 years instead of 20 years offers great savings incentive to the homebuyer.

2.  Get a personal loan

A personal loan is a viable money-saving solution in many situations when you borrow it for the right reasons. With personal loans, you can settle higher interest loans, create a good credit score, pay off credit cards or consolidate debts with more manageable fixed EMIs.

For instance, when you want to consolidate debts on your different credit cards, taking a personal loan can help pay off all the charges in one monthly payment. You benefit from lower loan interest rate compared to the annual percentage rates (APRs) on your credit cards.

However, before taking a loan, calculate your repayment capacity using an online app, select repayment tenure that is within your reach and carefully review all the fine print.

3.  Select the right credit card

A properly selected card can help you make savings on purchases, but the choice of the card should be based on your use and habits.

For instance, a frequent traveler will make savings when his card offers discounts and rewards on air tickets, hotels or lounge access.

The choice of the card also depends on whether you carry a balance each month or pay off dues before time. When you take forward a balance on credit, select a card that has a low annual percentage rate (APR).

Knowing your credit scores always helps you to apply for a card that is more likely to get approved. Lastly, compare the annual savings you make on the card against the card’s annual fee to see if it is right for you.

4. Find a balance transfer scheme

A balance transfer can help you make substantial money savings. Transferring high-interest debt from credit cards or loan to a card with a lower interest rate gives saving on interest and helps in clearing off the debt faster.

However, check if any balance transfer fee is levied to carry the balance to your new card. Another critical factor is the new card APR rate; check the introductory APR offer and price after the promotional period ends.

Always evaluate the terms carefully and put a debt repayment plan in place. Remember your debt doesn’t disappear when you do a balance transfer, but effective planning can help make good money savings.

5. Work out your monthly budget

Make a note of your cash flows to curb all unnecessary spending. Different apps come as a handy tool to do all the calculations for you.

Feed-in your monthly income and your expenses and the app will give you a clear picture of how to plan yourself well.

These tools help you consolidate all your bills, track the spending pattern and get an alert message when the due date of any statement is nearby to avoid late fees. Money management is a vital step to rein spending and get finances under control.

6. Review your subscriptions

If you are a Netflix and Amazon Prime addict, ask yourself if you need all these subscriptions and if you have the time to watch them?

Most people pay more on subscribing too many services but hardly use that entertainment and reading channels they have.

It’s the time to evaluate the spare time you have at hand to use these services and the cost you are spending monthly on subscribing to these. This helps you track the service you can do without and make money savings.

Besides entertainment, your current telephone and mobile plan also needs to be reviewed. Check your bills to study your usage patterns. If you are not using the full service, try considering another package. And if you are paying extra after the service amount, see if you can sign up to a new scheme that serves best to your needs.


Transactor vs revolver – What’s Your Approach with Using Credit Cards?

Transactor or a Revolver – What’s Your Approach with Using Credit Cards?

Plastic money is a popular and convenient way to pay for purchases. Credits cards and debits cards are often referred to as plastic money. Most people prefer them as they make transactions more convenient.

So whether you are purchasing a ticket to travel, shopping for groceries and everyday essentials, buying gadgets, clothing or other luxury treats, paying via a credit card is typically the first choice for most consumers. You can also order food, make purchases online, and book different transport needs effortlessly by using your preferred plastic card, thereby saving you a lot of time and energy.

If you are careful with your transactions, the use of a credit card makes your life hassle-free. However, if you make impulsive purchases beyond your means, using plastic money irresponsibly can put you into a vicious debt cycle.

So, what’s your style of using your credit card?

Do you use a credit card only for convenience? This means you never pay interest on the card and instead prefer to pay all dues on time. If that’s your approach, then the industry sees you as a “transactor” – a person who uses credit cards to make transactions easier and does not really utilize the “credit” facility offered by the card fully. Transactors enjoy benefits by accumulating points, miles and other rewards on their card transactions and hence effectively enjoy a “discount” on their purchases.

On the other side of the spectrum, many people use credit cards to make purchases without having enough funds to pay for them in full by the due date. Such users are known in industry parlance as “revolvers” as they “revolve” their balance outstanding across multiple billing statements.  “Revolvers” use credit cards to furnish today’s needs via tomorrow’s income. However, revolving your credit card balance can cost a lot of money in the form of interest, and this type of spending habits can severely strain your personal finances.

When does a revolving habit become risky for your financial life?

Banks typically give consumers a grace period of 21 to 30 days – the period between the end of the billing cycle and the payment due date. When you pay the outstanding amount in full before the due date, you won’t have to pay any interest.

For those who struggle to find the funds to clear their credit card balance each month, it’s easy to enter into a vicious cycle of debt.

When the payment is made after the due date, i.e. when you  “revolve” a balance, interest is calculated on an average daily balance method from the date you made the purchase.

If you continue to revolve a balance, there will be no grace period. You accrue daily interest on your balance outstanding and new purchases. So, your statement will then show substantial interest each month. In such a scenario, everything you purchase automatically becomes 30-40 per cent more expensive (depending on your particular card’s interest rate). This is a lousy buying strategy.

Moreover, for Personal loan seekers, this revolving balance can act as a disadvantage. It impacts your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) adversely, which in turn affects the credit score.

Revolvers that tend to accrue interest daily will have higher utilization rates and DTI ratios. The utilization rate and the percentage of the available credit you’re using are vital elements in determining a credit score.

For example, if your statement balance says Dh1,000, your credit report will indicate that you have a debt of Dh 1,000 that month. Now, if your credit card has a Dh1,000 credit limit, then the utilization rate here will be 100 per cent, even when you pay the bill in full.

So, here, to lower your utilization rate, you need to limit your purchases for the month or make payments early.

Whether you use the card and make payments as a revolver or transactor is not essential here. What you need to keep in mind is that for a better utilization rate, you must bring the total balance as low as possible and pay the remainder of the bill on time.

A higher DTI results in you paying extra money as extra interest charges in the long run (as these could impact your other loan interest rates in the future). Hence, a low DTI is vital for securing more favourable terms on a new loan or line of credit. It is also recommended you pay off all existing debts before submitting such a loan application.

The revolving habit overall imposes a high risk on your saving strategy and financial health. However, if you are revolving the balance at the time of an emergency, then carrying a balance for several months on a credit card is a better option to other even more expensive financing methods.

Even for other mindful larger purchases made with a credit card that is backed with a good plan to pay off the debt, it can be a wise decision. Remember, credit card companies will always prefer having revolvers because interest charged equals higher income for them. But, if you are looking for a robust financial situation, aim to be a transactor and always pay your credit card balance in full each month.


1 Simple Way to Relax in Luxury and Style Before You Board Your Next Flight

UAE airports are always buzzing with traffic. The very make of the country’s population mix drives travel and in many cases frequent travel. So, let it be travel to home country, leisure tours or even business travel, there is a significant amount of travel residents undertake.

Gone are the days where one must wait near the crowded gates with limited access to essentials such as internet access or even a seat. Lounges are a boon to travelers, a place where they can relax with their families and have a nice meal or even work without any hassles.

Access to most of these lounges is free through business class tickets or memberships. Having said that there are options available for folks who travel in lesser space as well. After spending hours on saving money on the best possible rates for your flights and bookings, it does not really make sense to spend the saves on lounge. But wait! What if it is free? All the luxury and bliss at no cost.

Most of us carry credit cards and these cards in UAE offer airport lounge access free of cost. This is seen as a favourite and useful feature which gives absolute value to customers. It does not matter which airline one flies or even which class, the free lounge access feature is available on most of the credit cards.

This article elaborates on the Airport lounge feature and the different bands and respective benefits UAE credit cards offer.

What exactly do I get free with my credit card when it comes to Airport lounge access?

Free Access to Airport Lounge

Depending on the specific credit type that one may have, free access can be availed at Airport lounges. Airport lounge offers complimentary snacks, drinks, wi-fi and glossy magazines along with a peaceful place to relax before you board.

 Supplementary Card holders

If your family has supplementary cards, they can also avail the facility free of cost. It is important to note that not all card types allow supplementary cards holders. Do refer to the table below to identify which card allows supplementary card holders


In addition to supplementary card holders, some of the credit cards allow guests accompanying primary card holders as well.

Number of visits

Some of these card types have a limitation on number of visits in a calendar year, post which the bank will apply a charge in case of any usage.

It is always wise to find out which airport lounge allows free access to the credit card you hold prior to your trip. This can save a lot of unnecessary walking within the terminals and most importantly disappointment at the lounge check in counters which sometimes can have a lengthy wait line.


Note: While the above is a standard offering from the associations (Visa and Mastercard), some banks might have customized the lounge offer on their respective cards. Hence it is advisable to refer to their product features section for more details click here.



Travel can be more enjoyable if planned well. While complimentary Airport lounge access offered by a credit card is a no-brainer one must be aware of all the other travel related benefits credit card offers. After all, why would one say no to a free feature which could be worth thousands of dirhams otherwise.

As a personal finance aggregator Soulwallet has analysed various credit card features and rated them based on an apple to apple comparison. Let it be Golf, Airport Transfers, Valet or even Cinema offers, one can easily refer to the ratings. For more details visit us on www.soulwallet.com.

Leave your worry behind and enjoy every bit of your travel. Bon voyage!


5 Smart ways to make your credit card work for you

UAE certainly has the highest credit card, internet and e-commerce penetration in the MENA region. However, a significant percentage of transactions are still made through cash. Visa and Mastercards are popular and are widely accepted by merchants in the region.

There have been several changes in recent years, which are moving the needle on credit card usage in the market. Some customers would have witnessed their credit cards being reissued by the issuers with a chip around 2016/17. This was due to a mandate from the Central bank of UAE for the issuers to comply with EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa global standard for chip-secured credit cards) standards a few years ago.

Credit cards are extremely convenient, secure and what’s more also reward cardholders on usage as well. There are more than 200 credit cards issued by banks and financial institutions in the UAE. While the number of banks is shrinking with the recent M&A announcements, there are several new credit cards which keep popping up with innovative and irresistible offers to the customer.

Many of us would have had a difficult experience with our first credit card. Not understanding differences between a credit or debit card, we would likely have dashed to the nearest ATM to withdraw some cash and spend on stuff which we really did not have any plans of buying. A scenario which would most likely have ended finally with some sort of settlement with the bank after weeks and perhaps months of painful collections calls and negotiations.

As we got a little more aware of how credit cards work, we generally end up with one or two cards (ideally issued to us by the banks where our salary gets credited) and have built some sort of loyalty to these cards over the years.

This article gives a credit card user 5 useful tips on how to use a credit card and maximize savings. These are simple and proven steps which can help one save thousands of dirhams:

  1. No one Credit Card is best suited for everyone

Credit cards are diverse in their offerings. One must understand that 200+ credit cards in the market come with several differences. Some of them being:

Fees and Charges: Annual Fees, Interest rates, International transaction charges, cash advance charges and so on.

Reward Features: Cashback, Airmiles, Reward Points, No Rewards no fee, Reward earn rates, Redemption or burn rate etc., Note- The value of the rewards might vary based on spend amounts, type, location etc.,

Features: Airport Lounge, Free Cinema, Complimentary Golf, Valet Offers etc.,


Apart from the above there are also credit limits, co brands (Skywards, Etihad and so on) etc., which differentiate cards.

With so many differences among them it is important to spend a few minutes to compare the features and identify the most suitable credit card for your specific needs.

Soulwallet’s  “Best Fit”  comparison tool uses smart algorithms that can match one’s individual spend pattern and feature preferences with the most suitable credit cards among all options available.

One will also get a good indication of annual saves in dirhams earned through credit card rewards. Do check how your current credit cards stack up against the ones which are best for you. Click here to find out.

Also, do look at the feature wise rankings to find out which is the best card for your favourite credit card feature (Cinema, Golf etc.,)


  1. No one Credit Card can give you the best value

Why do banks have multiple credit cards under their offering? These are typically to cater to different segments of customers who are keen on a specific feature or a reward program. Cashback and Airmiles are couple of popular reward categories.

After evaluating credit cards in the UAE and the reward offering across their products, it is quite evident that there is no one card which may fit in the best for you. In order to optimize your savings (reward value for the transactions you make on the credit card), you probably might have to keep 2 or 3 credit cards in your wallet which satisfy all your requirements with a high rating.

For example, John travels frequently. He spends his weekends generally watching movies with his wife and two school going children. The best option for John is to look at the below combinations:

Credit cards that:

  • Reward him with maximum reward rates for a) School Fees b) Grocery expenses c) Travel spends
  • Includes complimentary features such as a) Cinema Offer b) Airport Lounge c) Airport Transfer
  • Has low international (foreign currency) transaction charges.

The answer might be more than 1 card and if the saves are significant, why not?


  1. Pay on time and if possible, in full

Making payments on time is probably the most important criteria which helps build one’s credit score. Having a healthy credit score means keeping your credit options available. There is always going to be a need for some sort of credit requirement, for example a home loan, salary transfer loan and so on. Find out more on Credit scores in the UAE.

Making your credit card payments on time is extremely critical and if possible, try to make them in full. This means one would save money on interest which can be in thousands of dirhams.

Most banks have options such as Standing Instructions (from your bank account to your credit card if both are with the same bank), Direct Debit (a standard transfer instruction on your bank account), exchange house payments etc. One has an option of setting this up for a minimum payment or full and sometimes a fixed recurring amount as well. Enquire with your bank and set up a payment instruction which will ensure you don’t miss a payment date.

Regular payments build one’s credit history well and allows banks to re-underwrite your credit lines periodically and automatically.


  1. Balance Transfer – If you are incurring interest by not paying your credit card dues in full each month

Balance transfer in simple terms is moving debt from one credit card to another. If you are not paying the total outstanding and incurring interest on your statement balance, a balance transfer is a smart and easy method to save money on interest.

Balance transfers normally come with an interest free offer period. This is a no brainer – it can help you save interest that you would otherwise end up paying on your current card for 3 to 12 months (and more in most cases), depending on the balance transfer offer period.

Example: If a cardholder has an AED 5,000 balance on a credit card with a 20% interest rate. Such a balance would incur an interest of approximately AED 1,000 in a year. By transferring his credit card balance the card holder can save on the AED1,000 of interest with only a small balance transfer fee instead.


  • Balance transfer does not earn you rewards on transferred debt.
  • Once you have transferred your balance to a low interest card, do review the need of continuing to keep the high interest credit card active. Any unnecessary spend on this open credit card can delay your payoff on the new card.
  • Defaulting on the new credit card might trigger standard or higher interest rate as per banks policies.
  • Before you make the balance transfer move, do the math to ensure that you end up saving. Points to consider are Annual fees, Interest rates etc.,


  1. Change with the industry- Adapt to smarter payment methods

In recent years, banks have evolved and are continuously evolving in the digital space to stay updated and relevant to the future customers. Smart payment methods have gained a lot of momentum and acceptance among UAE consumers.  Apple pay, Samsung pay are already common names and are quite popular.

These smart payments make the process seamless and are focused primarily on convenience and security.  While Apple and Samsung are already building the culture of adapting and shifting to newer technologies in the mobile space, one must be more adaptive and embrace future technologies to leverage upon the benefits available.



Credit cards are convenient and a popular payment method for purchasing products or services. While it is quite a privilege to flash a prestigious credit card from your wallet for a purchase, it is important to make sure that the credit card works best for you..

As a personal finance aggregator Soulwallet has analysed various credit card features and rated them to identify the best credit cards for each feature.. Be it golf offers, complimentary airport transfers, valet services or even cinema offers, one can easily find the best credit cards with the ratings provided. For more details visit us www.Soulwallet.com.


Good Credit Score Means Good Financial Health – Understanding How Credit Score Works can Help You Save Thousands of Dirhams

Credit reports and scores are essential to financial health of any economy. Its primary use is to help financial institutions use the information provided in the report to assess the credit standing of an individual prior to issuing individuals any credit products (credit cards, personal loans and so on).

Al Etihad Credit Bureau is the entity which provides credit reports to consumers and financial institutions in the UAE.

As an individual it is beneficial to have a good credit score as this will not only ensure that your chances of getting a credit card or loan (personal loan, auto loan, home loan) etc. are increased but, almost more importantly can help you save money as banks frequently give better terms (lower interest rates, higher loan amounts etc.) to individuals with better credit scores.

In this article we will help you better understand credit reports.

Components of a Credit Report

Financial Liabilities – Financial institutions are required to provide details of credit facilities such as credit cards, personal loans, mortgage loans etc., to the UAE Credit Bureau. Details such as assigned credit limits, utilized limits on credit cards, payments made, delayed payments, returned/bounced checks, loan amounts issued, outstanding balances, age of the loan/credit card, active status, police case history and so on are some of the key data points shared. In addition, the below details are also shared with the credit bureau:

Employment Details: Employer Name, Income, Date of Employment are a few details pertaining to employment

Addresses: Residence address, emirate, contact details including mobile numbers and email ids.

Personal Identification – Emirates Id number, Passport Number, Date of Birth etc.,

The Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB) manages the process of collating the information received from all financial institutions (as well as some other non-financial entities such as telecom and utilities providers) and summarizing this at an individual customer level.

These details are structured in a systematic and easily readable format which the financial institutions can access in assessing the credit worthiness of potential customers.

What is a credit score and why is it important?

Credit score is a three- digit number which is assigned by the credit bureau based on various variables such as number of loans, repayments, delayed payments, credit utilization and so on. Credit scores range from 300 to 900, higher the better from a financial health perspective.

The credit score is an indicator of a customer’s financial profile and it is important to note that quite a few banks have moved to offer credit score-based features (interest rate, loan amounts etc.) to their customers. This means you will get more beneficial terms the higher your credit score .

So, what is the mantra to maintain a healthy credit score?

Below are some simple disciplined practices one needs to follow:

  • Do not hold too many credit cards. Find out the best credit cards for “You” and stick with it. Close the ones which are not suitable for you or you carry but don’t use too often. Use Soulwallet’s “Best Fit Credit Cards Tool” to find out how good your credit card isyou’re your individual spend patterns and other requirements.
  • Ensure payments are made on time. And whenever possible, in full. This is the most important aspect and has a significant weightage in one’s score. Missing payments is a huge no-no and will definitely adversely impact your credit score. Remember the golden rule – “only borrow what you can afford to repay”!
  • Avoid going over the credit limiton your credit card.
  • Try and stay below 40% of your credit utilization. If you have a credit limit of AED 10,000 and your current credit card balance outstanding is AED 4,000, your utilization rate is 40%. The lower the better.
  • Keep copies of your bank clearance letters for records, there are possibilities that one might have to provide them to have the details amended (if they still show up on the credit report).

Please note – credit scores are not carved in stone, it is a dynamic and ever-changing variable, updated periodically when inputs are received from banks and financial institutions.

Credit scores take a significant time and effort to improve and, in this case, we would clearly recommend that prevention is better than cure.

How and where can I get my credit report?

For individuals the best recommended option is to download the AECB (Al Etihad credit bureau) app on the mobile phone via Google play or the IOS App store and download the report or score. Note, the charges are much lower to download the report online rather than by visiting an AECB branch. Click here  to find more details.


Soulwallet strongly recommends you to compare products through a neutral and unbiased comparison site before you make a financial decision which can be as simple as signing up for a credit card in UAE.

Most UAE residents at some point or the other will need to explore options to avail credit facilities from a financial institution. The reasons could be as simple as managing to pay an annual school fee or to cover an unexpected medical expense. Having a good credit score can not only make the process of getting a loan much simpler but can also potentially help one save thousands of dirhams (a simple example is the money saved through a lower interest rate offered on your personal loan in UAE based on a good credit score).

possible reasons why your credit card application has been rejected

Top 3 possible reasons why your credit card application has been rejected


Credit cards are popular and convenient payment tools. It is a well-known fact that banks offer several attractive features on their best credit cards such as Cinema offers, Airport lounge access, Valet service, Golf offers and many more.

Banks are constantly looking to acquire customers who have a good track record of payments and credit history. In a country like UAE,  where in 80% of the bankable population is made up of expats, it is important that banks do their due diligence prior to approving any credit facility such as credit cards or personal loans. 

Banks have different under writing policies which decides the fate of one’s application? Now, Let me try and simplify the top three reasons why credit card applications get rejected. 

1. Income Criteria Not Met

This is generally the first eligibility criteria that is checked. It is important to note that UAE’s central bank circular 28/2010 “Regulations for Classification of Loans and their Provisions” dictates that banks must ensure that personal loans must be given to people who earn a minimum of AED 60,000 annual income. Note, credit cards in UAE are considered as a form of personal loans and hence this applies to both credit cards and personal loans.

While the interpretation of this regulation might differ bank to bank from an implementation perspective, this criterion ensures that banks do not lend to those who earn less than AED 5000 per month considering living expenses, affordability etc.,

Over the last couple of years, banks have built a system to verify income information from each other in an automated way. This is done by reading Salary credits from your bank statements through a central system. This has relaxed banks policies on documentation requirement in the recent years. 

So, in short it is important to know that one must be earning a minimum income of AED 5000 per month to avail a credit cards or personal loans in UAE

Banks also offer cards for customers based on their income . For e.g., a Prime Infinite Credit Card from Dubai Islamic Bank is offered to a customer who has a minimum income of AED 50,000 per month.

2. Weak or Poor Credit History 

In UAE, Al Etihad Credit Bureau receives financial information from all providers and provides credit reports to residents and financial institutions. The report contains records of an individual’s liabilities such as credit cards, loans etc., Banks evaluate the credit report for repayment history prior to approving applications.  It is imperative that one maintains a clean credit history in order to avail any loan/credit card facility in UAE. Level of debt, payment history, credit history age has an impact on your credit score.

Below needs to be taken care to ensure a clean history.

  • Always pay dues on time.
  • On cards better to pay the entire outstanding. If not, minimum due to be met. Note, full payments may result in a higher credit score.
  • Avoid going over limit on your cards.
  • It may take more than 5 years for a credit record to be cleared hence utmost care to be taken to ensure all the above points.
  • One can avail their credit report online from AECB for a fee. Visit the Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB) for more information. 

3.Debt Burden Exceeded 

In UAE, banks have been regulated to ensure that financial liabilities of an individual do not exceed 50% of the monthly income. While Banks follow different processes to ascertain debt burden the general logic is explained below for simple understanding

Monthly Income: AED 10,000

Monthly financial payments (Credit card minimum dues, Loan EMIs): AED3000

Debt burden:30%

Ensure all unused credit cards are closed. Receive and maintain closure or clearance certificates from respective banks for documentation purposes. Consolidate debt as a loan so that the instalment is affordable and within the debt burden. Stay financially fit!


While the above 3 are the top reasons for rejections. There are 90% chances one can get their card or loan approved if the above 3 conditions are met.  Roughly 10% of applications stay rejected for reasons such as verifications and other policies.

Picking the perfect credit cards in UAE for your specific needs should always be based on how you plan to spend and what your current lifestyle is like. Traditionally one signs up for a card based on sales pitch by a bank’s sales executive.  Take advantage of Soulwallet’s credit card comparison platform to make sure you make an informed decision. 


How to Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards Earnings?

Today’s consumers are inundated with a wide array of options for rewards credit cards. While this (almost) guarantees that you can find the perfect one for you, it also requires some research on your part to ensure that you are applying for a good fit.

One of the most significant reasons why people use credit cards is because of the potential rewards that they can earn. Most of the time, these rewards can be obtained through the same day-to-day purchases that you would already be making.

Read on to learn how you can maximize your credit card rewards earnings.

1. Compare credit cards

Before you decide on a credit card, make sure to utilize a credit card comparison site to ensure that you are selecting the right one for your needs and lifestyle. Different credit cards are created for different people, so if you want to maximize your credit card rewards earnings, it is essential that you find a card that is suited for you. If you are a frequent traveler, then you probably want to find a credit card that offers cash back or travel rewards as these are features that you will most likely be able to maximize.

When you utilize a credit card comparison site, you will be able to instantly discern the similarities and differences between the features and benefits of potential credit cards for which you qualify. For example, in the UAE, credit cards have a range of monthly salary requirements from AED 5,000 to premium  cards that necessitate a higher salary range.

2. Avoid high credit card fees

In order to maximize your credit card rewards earnings, you want to make sure you are avoiding high credit card fees. To do this, you need to make sure that you are prepared to use your credit card responsibly and pay off the bill each month – in full. If you pay your bill in full, on time, then you can avoid having to pay interest on each billing cycle.

If you are unable to pay off the bill in full one month, you still need to pay more than the minimum recommended amount. Otherwise, the credit card interest rates are going to increase significantly, and you are going to have to pay a lot more for your purchases. Keep in mind that late or missing payments can incur extra fees, such as penalties and late fees.

Also, take into account any annual fees, interest rates, balance transfer fees, and potential charges. All of these add up and need to be financed if you are going to receive any of the potential credit card rewards.

3. Consider flexible cards

Generally, travel and entertainment rewards cards are some of the most popular options (for obvious reasons). However, for some people, these cards can actually limit how rewards can be earned. What’s more, many of these credit cards place a cap on the number of rewards that you can collect. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consider a flexible credit card.

Look for a credit card that permits you to earn cashback across a variety of categories that align with your purchasing habits. For example, the Citibank Cashback credit card includes all categories for earning cashback and offers excellent cashback on international purchases. Plus, unlike many other cards, this one has unlimited and automatic cashback. Other benefits include global airport lounge access, dining privileges and exclusive offers, travel inconvenience insurance, and supplementary cards.

4. Utilize digital tools

In this day and age, more and more banks offer digital tools that can significantly help you track your financial rewards, deals, and benefits. By opting for a credit card from a bank that provides online dashboards, you can efficiently see ways to maximize your rewards and the options for redeeming them. If you opt for a cash rewards card that has digital tools, then you can determine where you want to use your rewards.

What is more, if you are part of multiple rewards programs, then utilizing these digital tools can help you stay on top of it all. These digital tools grant you greater control over your finances. For example, you could choose an automatic redemption feature to make recurring contributions into your savings and investment accounts. This strategy helps you turn everyday spending into long-term financial success.

Final Thoughts

As there are so many credit cards available on the market, you must choose one that not only has the best offer, but also maximizes your credit card rewards earnings.

At SoulWallet, we pride ourselves in helping you find the best credit card for you. All that we require from you is that you tell us what you want, and then we will give you the options that you need. Together we make finding the right credit card easier, more convenient, and more rewarding.

How to get the best dining deals out of cashback credit cards?

The more you spend, the more you save! Unbelievable yet holds true and here is how you do that if you are smart enough. Enter Cashback.

Cashback is an offering from Credit Card companies that rewards you instantly for making purchases.

How does it work?

Cashback credit cards benefit the user by paying a percentage of the purchase you make. Not just purchases, using them in your favorite hotels, restaurants or any other experience centers in UAE can also save you some dirhams. So, the next time, you are swiping your card in a restaurant or purchasing the latest mobile phone, look out for the exciting cashback offers and maximize it.

Lookout before you Swipe!

Though it is exciting and absolutely fantastic to get some hard earned money back do note a few pointers that needs a closer look before you swipe.

Like any credit card, these credit cards are entitled with pre-determined limits which many people fail to notice. It is for the simple fact that these are in fine print and easy to ignore or miss out.

If you are a frequent visitor to restaurants, here are some credit cards that offer the best dining deals which could save you from spending more.

Citi Cashback Card:

With a minimum salary of AED 8000, you can avail this card which can provide a lot of cashback benefits while dining at your favorite restaurants. You can enjoy up to 20% discount at over 400+ dining outlets in the UAE. The redemption is automatic as well. No calls, no emails!

Dunia Finance Platinum Credit Card:

The minimum salary requirement is the same as that of the Citi Cashback Card. But Dunia finance offers free Zomato Gold Annual Membership when you opt for this credit card. It also offers hundreds of Buy 1 Get 1 (BOGO) offers from MasterCard throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Najm One Cashback Card:

This cash back credit card from Majid Al Futtaim Finance offers a lot of discounts on dining and entertainment. With this card, you can avail up to 30% discount at selected restaurants. They also make payments easy by providing card-less solutions i.e., Samsung pay.

CBD Visa Infinity Card:

The Commercial Bank of Dubai offers great deals on dining with this visa card. It has great dining privileges which include Dragon Pass, the World’s 1st all-in-one Digital Airport platform which lets people enjoy food at restaurants within the Airport. In addition to this, dining discounts in Premium Hotels in UAE can also be availed with this card.

Standard Chartered Platinum Credit Card:

The Platinum credit card from Standard Chartered lets people enjoy a wide variety of offers that includes offers up to 50% in popular cafes and restaurants. To be even more specific, it offers a Buy 1 Get 1 offer (BOGO) at all outlets of Costa Coffee.